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03-06 互联网 未知 投稿



浩歌学语法--Grade 8 #2


1. many 和 much 辨析

2. a few / few / a little / little 辨析

3. the other / the others / other / others 辨析

4. another 讲解

Q1: many 和 much 有何区别呢?

1. many 修饰或代替可数名词复数。

There are many bones in Eva's plate. She is very happy about it.

Many of the bones are specially cooked for Eva.

第一句中的 many 是用来修饰可数名词复数 bones。

第二句中的 many 是代替可数名词复数,相当于many bones。

2. much 修饰或代替不可数名词。

Don't let Eva drink too muchwater.

Eva never eats much for breakfast.

第一句中的 much 是用来修饰不可数名词 water。

第二句中的 much 是用来代替不可数名词,相当于 much food。

Q2: a few/few/a little/little 有何区别呢?

1. a few 和 few 用来修饰或代替可数名词复数。

a little 和 little 用来修饰或代替不可数名词。

2. a few 和 a little 表示“肯定”,意思是 “有一些”。

few 和 little 表示“否定”,意思是“几乎没有”。

Don't worry, Eva. There are still a few minutes left.

Hurry up, Eva. There are few minutes left.

Don't worry, Eva. There is still a little time left.

Hurry up, Eva. There islittletime left.

minutes 是可数名词复数,所以修饰 minutes 用了 few 或 a few。

time 作为“时间”讲,为不可数名词,所以修饰 time 用了 little 或 a little。

第一句和第三句表达“有一些时间”,是肯定的,故用 a few 或 a little。

第二句和第四句表达“几乎没时间”,是否定的,故用 few 或 little。

Q3: the other / the others / other / others 有何区别呢?

1. the other 为“特指”,作代词时表示“(两者中的) 另一个人或物”。

作为限定词时,后边接名词,表示“(限定范围内) 除了某一类,另外所有其他的……”。

Eva has two ears. One is big, the other is small.

the other 表示“另外一只 (耳朵)”,就代替了 the other ear。

Only Eva finished the test, the other dogs didn't.

the other 用来修饰 dogs,表示“除了 Eva 外其他所有的……”。

2. the others 为“特指”,相当于" the other + 名词"。

Only Eva finished the test, the othersdidn't.

the others 用来代替 the other dogs,表示“除了 Eva 外其他所有的狗”。

3. other 为“泛指”, 一般作限定词,后接名词,表示“其他的……” 。

Eva, you should expect other people to do your work for you.

other 用来修饰 people 表示“其他人”,不是某个或某些特定人。

4. others 为“泛指”,相当于“other + 名词”。

Eva, you should expect others to do your work for you.

others 此处 相当于 other people,表示“其他人”。

Q4: another 怎么用呢?

1. another 作限定词时,表示“又一;再一”。

Can you give Eva another cup of coffee?

2. another 作代词时,表示“另外一个人或物”。

Eva is eating one ice cream after another.

此处的 another 就表示 another ice cream。

one...after another 表示 “一个接一个”。



1. He has a piece of cake in one hand, and a book in ____________.

2. I don’t like this pen. Please show me ____________.

3. — Would you like some water?

— Yes, but just ____________.

4. He made so ____________ mistakes in the test.

5. The test is difficult, so very ____________ students passed it.



a few和few的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。
1.a few:少许。

1.a few:more than one but indefinitely small in number不止一个,但数量无限小。
1.a few:a few的意思是“少数的…,几个…,一些…”,表示“虽然少,但还有”,强调“有”,表示肯定之意。

few和a few的区别?

1.a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法。few:用于可数名词,否定用法。

There are few apples on the table.桌子上几乎没苹果。
2.用法和little和a little 一样在可数名词的前面我们用 a few 和 few,例如:few cars或a few countries在不可数名词的前面我们用a little 和 little,例如:little energy或 a little money
3.Little 和 few (前面不用a),表示否定的意思,例如:You must be quick. There is little time. (你要快一点,我们没有多少时间。)He isn't popular. He has few friends.(他不是很有人缘,他没有什麼朋友。)
4.A little 和 a few 是肯定的意思,例如:Let's go and have a drink. We've got a little time before the train leaves.(我们去喝一杯吧,离火车开车以前,我们还有一点时间。

)I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.(我喜欢住在这里,我认识了一些朋友而且时常见面。)扩展资料:little的比较级和最高级分别为less和least,few的比较级和最高级分别为fewer和fewest。如:Boys think less about dress than girls do. 男孩子不像女孩子那样爱打扮。

He has the least money of all of us. 他是我们大家中钱最少的。He tried to finish the work with least money and fewest people. 他设法要用最少的钱和最少的人去完成这项工作。

few和a few的区别是什么

few 和 a few 都加可数名词复数

few 表示否定意义 没几个

a few 表示肯定意义 有几个 有一些


本文关键词:few和afew的区别_作业帮,few和a few是什么区别,few afew区别和用法,few afew 的区别,afew与few。这就是关于《few和afew的区别,afew和few的区别是什么(易混不定代词辨析)》的所有内容,希望对您能有所帮助!更多的知识请继续关注《犇涌向乾》百科知识网站:http://www.029ztxx.com!

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