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04-25 互联网 未知 投稿


1、令人厌倦的英语:每日英语 bore someone stiff 使人十分厌烦,使人烦得要死

"bore someone stiff" 使人十分厌烦,使人烦得要死

- to bore someone very much


"Most of the guests at the wedding were bored stiff with the long speech."

"The movie bored me stiff."

"Our boss bores everyone stiff with some of his presentations."


令人厌倦的人或物英文单词? rubbish / garbage / trash /refuse Rubbish is the usual word in BrE for the things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them. Garbage and trash are both used in AME .inside the home, garbage tends to mean waste food and other wet material, while trash is paper. cardboard and dry material.,接下来我们就来聊聊关于令人厌倦的人或物英文单词?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!


rubbish / garbage / trash /refuse

Rubbish is the usual word in BrE for the things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them. Garbage and trash are both used in AME .inside the home, garbage tends to mean waste food and other wet material, while trash is paper. cardboard and dry material.

在英国英语中,rubbish 为常用词,指垃圾、废物。garbage和trash均用于美国英语。生活垃圾中,garbage多指废弃的食物和其他湿物质,而trash则指废弃的纸、硬纸板和干物质。
In BrE, you put your rubbish in a dustbin in the street to be collected by the dustmen. In AmE,your garbage and trash goes in a garbage /trashcan in the street and is collected by garbagemen/ collectors.

在英国英语中,垃圾为rubbish,街上的垃圾桶为dustbin,清除垃圾的工人叫dustman。在美国英语中,垃圾为garbage和trash,街上的垃圾桶为garbage/trashcan’消除垃圾的工人叫garbage man/ collector。
Refuse is a formal word and is used in both BrE and AmE. Refuse collector is the formal word for a dustman or garbage collector.

refuse为正式用语,用于英国英语和美国英语均可。 Refuse collector 为dustman或garbage collector的正式说法。


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