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语法介词口诀?三、 容易错、常考的介词及搭配,接下来我们就来聊聊关于语法介词口诀?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!



三、 容易错、常考的介词及搭配

1. be made of,be made from,be made into,be made in

2. call on = visit,call for = go and pick up

3. on business (出差)/ strike()罢工 / duty(值日) / holiday / fire / vacation / watch(警戒) / sale(出售) / leave(请假) / guard(警戒)

4. have some trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth.,have a habit / idea / plan of doing sth.

5. A is pleased to B,B is pleased with A(对……感到满意)

7. with the help of,under the leadership of

8. by means of(使用),by way of(经由),by heart(记住),by the way

9. out of question(毫无疑问),out of the question(毫不可能)

10. prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth.

11. be thankful to sb. for sth.

12. steal sth. from sb.,rob sb. of sth.

13. insist on doing sth.,persist in doing sth.,stick to,go on doing sth.

14. set about doing sth.,set out to do sth.

15. look sb. in the face,hit sb. on the face,lead the cow by the nose

16. do a favour for sb. = do sb. a favour

四、 介词的惯用型

1. above all(首先),after all,at all(全然),in all

2. day after day,year after year,one after one,one after another

3. at peace(和平),at war(战争),at times(时常),at dinner

4. by oneself,by all means(尽一切办法、务必),by chance,by accident,

by no means(决不、并没有),by means of(用、依靠) ,by the way

5. in her teens(十几岁),in pain,in danger,in need

6. to one’s joy / sorrow / surprise

7. with care(仔细地),with joy / pleasure(高兴地),with one’s help,

with the best wishes(致以我们良好的祝愿),without difficulty(毫不困难地),without exception(毫不例外),without delay(立即、马上)

8. according to(依据),along with(和……一起),as to(至于……),because of,except for(除……之外),instead of(代替)

9. out of order(不正常),out of date,out of trouble(脱离困境),out of sight,

out of debt(还清了债务),out of touch(没有联系)

10. at the bottom of,at the centre of,at the end of,at the top of,

at the cost of(以……为代价)at the sight of,at the thought of,at a speed of

11. in memory of(纪念),in favour of(同意),in the habit of(有……习惯),in touch with(与……保持联系),on the left of,on the eve of(在……前夕)

12. from time to time(不时地), from day to day(天天), from hand to hand(一个传一个),from side to side(左右地),from car to car(一个车厢一个车厢地),from bad to worse(越来越差),from beginning to end(从头到尾),from hand to mouth(仅能糊口),from head to foot,from start to finish,from one to another


1)in 文字、语言、材料名词

in English (ink, pencil, capital letters) write in pen, 用钢笔写 speak in a low voice 小声说话

2) with 工具、机器;人体器官;情绪、情感、态度的名词

with a branch, with one’s nose, with pride, with satisfaction,

with the help of, with one’s permission

We can see with our eyes and write with our hands.

I killed a fly with a fly flap. 我用苍蝇拍打死了一只苍蝇

3) by 表示泛指的方式、手段

by bus, by land, by means of(用……方法), by way of(经由) , by doing sth.,

by hand(手工), by post(由邮局传递), by letter(用写信的方式), by electricity, by hard work, by the year, by the hour(by the 单位名词) 按……

4) 其它表示方式(情况、状况、手段)的表示法

through the radio / by radio / on the radio, through / by / from practice,

by telephone (on the telephone), on foot, on the train, in satisfaction, in surprise, in silence, in a low voice, in comfort, in sorrow, in high / good / poor spirits,

in anger, in safety, in debt, in good order, in good / poor health, in tears,

in use, in pain,

六、 注意:某些名词和介词的固定搭配

1) 要求to:key, answer, visit, apology, introduction


belong to, come to(苏醒), look forward to, lead to, stick to, refer to, turn to, drink to(为……干杯), object to(反对), reply to the letter, help oneself to, sing / dance to the music(和着……在……声中唱/跳), devote oneself to

2) 要求in:interest, satisfaction


ask for, call for(去接某人), care for(关心), go in for(从事), answer for(对……负责), send for, pay for, praise sb. for(赞扬某人某事), head for(向……方向移动), search for, take … for …(误以为), leave for, prepare for(为……准备), thank sb. for, make a dive for(向……猛冲), make up for(弥补……损失)


come on来吧, call on拜访, pass on传递, carry on进行下去, live on sth.靠……生活, depend on依靠, have on穿着, have pity on同情, look on … as …把……看作, push on推动, spy on窥探, switch / turn on旋开, wait on服侍, walk on继续走, spend…on …在……上花费时间、金钱, operate on给……动手术, take on a new look呈现新面貌

七、 某些形容词和介词的固定搭配

1) be afraid of 担心 be afraid for替……而担心

2) be angry about / at sth.因……而生气 be angry with sb.对……某人发怒

3) be anxious for sth.渴望 be anxious about sth. / sb.担心

4) be different from 与……不同 be indifferent to … ……不关心

5) be good at …擅长 be good for …对……有益 be good of sb. to do sth.友好

6) be strict with sb.对……严格 be strict in sth.

7) be popular with sb.受到……欢迎 be popular in some place流行在 ……be popular for因……而流行

8) be pleased with n.或what从句;be pleased at 抽象名词 听、看到而高兴

9) be disappointed at sth. ;be disappointed with sb.对……失望

10) be known to sb. ;be known with n.或从句 ;be known for因……而著名

11) be absent from缺席

12) be devoted to …献身于……

13) be open to …对……开放

14) be poor / clever / expert at …

15) be sorry for …替/为……后悔

16) be rich in … be interested in …

17) be proud of (take pride in)

18) be satisfied with / by … be sure of / about …

19) be fond of, be fit for, be busy with sth. (in doing sth.)

20) be late for, be ready for

21) be similar to … ;be wrong with …


1) 某些形容词后接不及物动词或“V 介”型短语动词的不定式形式表“反射”,常用吊尾介词。

A) fit, easy, hard, good, difficult, comfortable, heavy等形容后,常用吊尾介词。

e.g. The girl is easy to get along with.

B) be worth doing, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done, want / require / need doing表反射,常用吊尾介词。

e.g. The problem is worth dealing with.

The book is worthy of being referred to.

2) 不及物动词的不定式修饰表“涉及对象、场所、工具、手段、方式、材料等”意义的名词时常带吊尾介词。

e.g. There is nothing for us to worry about. a room to live in

3) 定语从句中,先行词被一个不及物动词所修饰,则不及物动词后要带介词,先行词被“V 介”组成的短语动词所修饰,介词常在句尾。

e.g. He is the very man I just spoke to. This is the life he is used to.

4) 以what,whose,who,whatever等引导的宾语从句、表语从句中常出现“吊尾介词”。

e.g. I don’t know what you do it for.

5) 强调句型和特殊疑问句中由于被强调部分和疑问词位置变更,常出现吊尾介词。在上下文意义清楚时,特殊疑问句常用省简结构。

e.g. It is the poor boy that we gave the books to.

What for?(为什么?)Where to?(去哪儿?)Who with?(和谁去?)

6) 被动语态中“V 介”短语常用吊尾介词。

e.g. He was listened to come here. He has never been spoken to in this way.



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