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02-28 互联网 未知 投稿






你知道可以的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧! 可以的英文说法1 :can 可以的英文说法2: Ok 词组习语: a can of worms 1. 复杂难解决的事;棘手的事 质疑传统 教育 模式会引起一场轩然大波。 to question the traditional model of education &B{opens up} too big &B{a can of worms}. in the can 1. (非正式)(磁带)录制好的,(电影)拍摄好的,准备播放(或发行)的 可以的英文例句: 1. The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life. 最幸福的人们并不一定什么都是最好,只是他们懂得欣赏生活的美好。

2. You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining. 你必须全力以赴,最大限度地去努力。

如果你这么做,并且保持乐观,你就会看见乌云背后的幸福线。 3. You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning. 你可以通过合理计划来提高盈利的机会。 4. You can chat to other people who are online. 你可以和其他在线的人聊天。 6. I have a fair idea of how difficult things can be. 我大致了解情况会有多困难。

7. By golly we can do something about it this time. 这次我们确实可以采取行动了。 8. But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick. 但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。 9. I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him. 我永远不会原谅他。

10. I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion. 我是献血者,我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。 11. "I can't give you an answer now," he hedged. “我现在不能回答你,”他闪避道。

12. Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat! 热情的女招待会一再推荐,最后点的餐多到吃不下! 13. Victorian houses can seem cold with their lofty ceilings and rambling rooms. 维多利亚式房屋屋顶高耸,房间布局凌乱,因此可能会显得较为阴冷。 14. I pried the top off a can of chilli. 我揭开一罐辣椒的盖子。 15. This can be done if you proceed as follows. 按照如下操作即可完成。

1. OK. Now, let's talk some business. 好了,我们现在言归正传吧。 2. His doctor wouldn't OK the trip. 医生不会同意他去旅行。 3. I shouted out "I'm OK" 我大声喊道“我没事”。 4. "OK, whatever you say," he had agreed peaceably. “好吧,你说什么都行,”他和气地同意了。

5. We'll get together next week, OK? 我们下周聚一聚,好吗? 6. The party went off A-OK. 聚会进行得还顺利。 7. Aside from a few scratches, I'm OK. 除了几处擦伤外,我安然无恙。 8. You're looking a little peaky. Are you OK? 你看来有点憔悴。你没事吧? 9. It'll probably be OK. 这大概没有问题。

10. OK, Sleeping Beauty, time to get up. 好啦,睡美人,该起床了。


如果你不介意的话,我也可以帮你拿的。下面我为大家带来可以的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习! 可以的英语意思 can 可以的英语例句 你可以相信他一定会在那儿。

You can depend of him to be there. 我们可以把这些项目都归并成一类。

We can lump all these items into one category. 如果必要的话,你可以把部分工作分给我们做。 You can hive off some of the work to us if necessary. 你可以用粉笔把它记在墙上。 You may chalk it on the wall. 你完全可以这么说。 You may well say so. 每个公民都可以要求受到法律的保护。

Every citizen may claim the protection of the law. 你可以亲自接洽也可以写信。 You can apply either personally or in letter. 你可以为你的权利据理力争。 You can stand up for your right. 我可以请你注意一下这个问题吗? Can I interest you in this question? 这个你们可以两人平分。

You can divide this between you. 可以的双语例句 1. The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt. 当你从内心深处找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。 2. You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning. 你可以通过合理计划来提高盈利的机会。 3. You can chat to other people who are online. 你可以和其他在线的人聊天。

4. It is certainly worth checking up on your benefit entitlements. 查清楚你可以享受哪些福利是绝对有必要的。 5. Ellery's return will help to chase away some of the gloom. 埃勒里的归来可以驱散一些抑郁的情绪。 6. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time. 你可以随时来医院。

7. Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in "Walking With Dinosaurs". 在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。 8. By golly we can do something about it this time. 这次我们确实可以采取行动了。 9. In 1941, the train would have been pulled by a steam engine. 1941年,火车本可以由蒸汽机车拉动。 10. This is more like a downpayment, or a deposit, if you like. 这更像是首付,也可以说是定金。

11. This could be the feel-good movie of the autumn. 这可以称得上是今秋令人赏心悦目的影片了。 12. You could never eliminate risk, but preparation and training could attenuate it. 风险不可能完全消除,但可以通过防范和培训来降低。 13. online gaming allows players from around the world to challenge each other. 网络游戏使得全球的玩家可以相互较量。 14. "Which one of these do you want?" — "I don't mind." “你想要这里面的哪一个?”——“都可以。

” 15. I could use some money, Sarah told him flatly. 萨拉态度坚决地告诉他,我可以用一部分钱。


1、can读音:英 [kæn]  美 [kæn] aux. 可以;能n. 罐头v. 罐装;<口>解雇I don't have a pen. Can yon lend me one?我没有笔,你能借我一支吗?2、may读音:英 [meɪ] 美 [meɪ] aux. 可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能n. [大写] 五月May I use your bicycle?我可以用你的自行车吗?在口语中两者可以替换,但在正式文字里往往不能替换。can多用于非正式场合,表示能力,也可表示允许、获准; may多用于正式场合,表示请求允许或允许他人,在表示请求允许时往往含有尊重之意。

扩展资料:may的近义词1、allow读音:英 [ə'laʊ]  美 [ə'laʊ] vt. 允许;让某人得到;留出;同意(法律)vi. (for)考虑到;允许If you'll allow me,I will send you back.如果你能同意,我可以送你回家。

2、able读音:英 ['eɪbl]  美 ['eɪbl] adj. 能够的;有能力的;能干的We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem.我们应该能够应付各种困难。


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