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02-25 互联网 未知 投稿



#夏日生活打卡季#owner ,物主,所有人,表示拥有某物的某人,作为一个名词,很多小伙伴不知道如何使用,以前我也不知道这个单词在阅读理解里面的作用,只是知道它是所有者的意思,但落实到具体应用上就不知道该如何翻译了,或者翻译的时候都直接跳过,比如牛津词典里写的The dog looked mournfully after its owner. 狗悲伤地目送主人离去。我记得我的翻译是这只狗呆呆的看着它的狗毛,卷子发下来的时候没把同桌笑死,他说你咋不翻译成这只狗眼泪汪汪的看着他傻不拉叽的主人呢……当场我就想踹他两脚,后面去查了字典,也是被自己笑死,下面举几组词语你就知道如何使用了。

Shop owner 店主

Ship owner 船主

Copyright owner 版权拥有者

看懂了吗?owner 放在表示物的名词后面就表示物主啦,你学会了嘛?[灵光一闪]



owner所有者。英 [ˈəʊnə(r)]  美 [ˈoʊnər]n. [经] 所有者;物主短语:egal owner [法] 法定所有人 ; 法定所有权人 ; 须使他成为合法产权人 ; 法定悉数人product owner 产品负责人 ; 产品经理 ; 产品拥有者 ; 负责人owner window 所有者窗口 ; 自拥的 ; 私有的 ; 主控窗口例句:All you need to do is to select an owner and a due date. 您所需要去做的,只是选择一个所有者以及一个截止日期。

近义词;proprietor英 [prə'praɪətə(r)]   美 [prə'praɪətər] n. 所有人;业主;老板用作名词 (n.)The mortgagee becomes the proprietor of the land.抵押权人成为土地所有人。

landlord英 ['lændlɔːd]   美 ['lændlɔːrd]  n. 地主;房东用作名词 (n.)The farmhands gave the landlord a sound beating.雇工们把这地主痛打了一顿。


owner[英][ˈəʊnə(r)][美][ˈoʊnə(r)]n.物主,所有人; 复数:owners双语例句 1The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in.我进去的时候这家商店的店主正在扫地。2Work harder than the next guy and think and behave as an owner of the company you work for.要比别人工作更努力,像老板一样地思考和行事。


owner的中文意思 英 [ˈəʊnə(r)]美 [ˈoʊnə(r)] 第三人称复数:owners owner 基本解释 名词物主,所有人 owner 相关例句 名词 1. Who is the owner of that motorcycle? 谁是那辆摩托车的主人? 2. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport. 车主人再也不要依赖公共交通了。 词典解释 1. 物主;业主;所有人;主人 The owner of something is the person to whom it belongs. e.g. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in... 我进去的时候这家商店的.店主正在扫地。

e.g. Every pet owner knows their animal has its own personality... 宠物的主人都知道它们有自己的个性。

owner的单语例句 1. Jeans workshop owner Zhou Hexi agrees that more can be done to help small business owner like him. 2. " To get the business licence in the end took over a month, " said the restaurant owner. 3. It attracts hoards of onlookers to the red car because its businessman owner parks it in the city's Shunde district. 4. The team is coming off an emotional stretch after the death of beloved owner Jerry Buss. 5. He took this season off after Lakers owner Jerry Buss didn't offer him a new contract last year. 6. The Lakers confirmed on their website that Jackson discussed the job with owner Jim Buss and general manager Mitch Kupchak. 7. He told Lakers owner Jerry Buss he would play for Los Angeles if he decided to play again. 8. Lakers owner Jerry Buss has been hospitalized with cancer, the Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday. 9. The Ritz packages remain a budget buster for the average pet owner. owner的双语例句 1. Commenting on the installation, Parsec`s Leo Forte said worker safety is foremost in the minds of winery owner. 在评价这个装置时,Parsec公司的代言人说:Selvapiana的业主们将员工的安全看得极为重要,他们想要最好、最可靠的二氧化碳监控系统。 2. The article about the theatre give us a few sidelight on the character of its owner. 关于该剧院的这篇文章对我们了解其业主的个性带来了意外的启示。 3. The factory was founded in 1994, specializing in the production and sale of a large battery factory, in January 2004 registered as the owner the right to import and export CO., LTD. 本厂创建于1994年,是专业生产和销售电池的大型工厂,2004年1月注册为拥有进出口权的实业有限公司。 4. The trade union negotiated a new contract with the owner. 工会和厂主议定了新的契约。


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