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09-28 互联网 未知 投稿



My name is Jane. My grandfather is very careless. He is a very clever man, but he never remembers little things.


April 27th is my birthday. My grandfather says to me,


“I’m going to your home, and give you a present!”


I’m very excited. I wait him all day, but he doesn’t come, so I phone him and ask why.


He answers, “Sorry, I went to the other granddaughter’s house.”


What a careless grandfather!




美国电影大师科恩兄弟去年推出新片The ballad of Buster Scruggs,这是一部由五个小故事串成的西部片,让人看得非常过瘾。其中的这首SurlyJoe(暴脾气乔)活灵活现地展示了美国乡村民谣的精华。

Surly Joe, the gambler

He will gamble never moreHis days of stud and hold ‘em

They are doneIt was long about last April

He stepped into this saloonBut he never really took to anyone

Surly Joe (Surly Joe) Surly Joe (Surly Joe)

Oh, wherever he's gambling now, I don't know (We don't know)

He was slick, but I was slicker, He drew quick, but I was quicker

And the table stopped his ticker Surly Joe Yee-haw!

Surly Joe (Surly Joe) Surly Joe (Surly Joe)

Won't be missed by anyone will Surly Joe (Surly Joe)

Humankind he frowned upon,

But not now, his face is goneGuess your frowning days are done Oh, Surly Joe Yee-haw!

Surly Joe (Surly Joe) Surly Joe (Surly Joe)

A cedilla on the C of Curly Joe (Surly Joe!)

He was mean in days of yore

Now they're mopping up the floor

One more sight to make him sore, Oh, Surly Joe Yee-haw!

Surly Joe (Surly Joe) Surly Joe (Surly Joe)

Where the rest of his face has got to, we don't know (We don't know)

He was never any fun,

Now his grumpy race has runKisser blown to kingdom come, Oh, Surly Joe…

本文关键词:的英语故事,全英语故事,英语故事完整版,lead故事英文版,careless whisper 故事。这就是关于《careless英语故事,小学英语口语朗读《粗心的爷爷》》的所有内容,希望对您能有所帮助!更多的知识请继续关注《犇涌向乾》百科知识网站:http://www.029ztxx.com!

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