一、acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 表示“尖,酸,锐利”
acid 酸的
acidify [ə'sidifai] 酸化(acid+ify…化→酸化)
acidity 酸度,酸性(acid+ity性质→酸性)
acidulous [ə'sidjuləs] 微酸的(acid+ulous有…的→有酸味的)
acrid ['ækrid] 辛辣的;尖刻的(acrimony的形容词)
acute 尖锐的,敏锐的
acuity [ə'kju:əti] 尖锐,敏锐(acu+ity性质→尖的性质→尖锐)
acumen[ə'kju:men] 敏锐,聪明(acu+men表示名词→尖→敏锐)
acupuncture 针炙(acu尖+punct点+ure→用尖〔针〕点→针炙)
acme [ˈækmi]顶点,顶峰(acumen的变体)
二、act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做”
act 行为
acting 演技
activity 活动(act+ivity状态→活动状态)
activate 使…活动,起动(act+ivate使…→使…活动)
actualize 实现(actual实际的+ize化→实际化→实现)
enact 实施,颁布(en+act→使〔法律〕动→实施法律)
exact 强求;精确的(ex出+act→[要求]做出来→强求)
exacting 苛求的(exact+ing)
interact 相互作用(inter相互+act→相互动→相互作用)
react 反应;反抗(re反+act→反动;反应)
transact 做交易;办理(trans横+act→横向动→互相贸易或交易)
counteract 抵抗;抵消(counter反+act→反着动→力量对抗→抵消)
inactivity 不活跃(in不+activity活跃)
三、aer, aero, aeri=air,表示“空气,充气”等
aerate 通气;充气(aer+ate表动词)
aerial 空气的(aeri+al表形容词)
aeriform 无形的,非实体的(aeri+form形状→空气的形状→无形的)
aeromechanics ['ɛərəumi'kæniks] 航空力学(aero+mechanics机械学)
aerology 气象学,大气学(aero+ology学科→空气学→大气学)
aerospace (大气层内外)空间(aero+space空间)
aerosphere 大气层(aero+sphere球形→球形空气→大气层)
aeroview 鸟瞰图(aero+view看→在空气中看→鸟瞰)
四、ag=do, act, 表示“做,代理做”
agenda 议事日程(ag+enda表示复数→做的事情→议程)
agile['ædʒail] 灵活的,敏捷的(ag+ile能…的→能做的→灵活的)
agitate['ædʒiteit] 鼓动;搅动(ag+itate表动作→反复作→鼓动)
agitation[ædʒi'teiʃən] 鼓动,煽动(agitate+ion)
agitator['ædʒiteitə] 鼓动者(agitate+or人→鼓动的人)
agitating 使人不安的(agitate+ing)
agent 作用因素;代理人(ag+ent表人或物→做的人→代理人)
agency 代理处(ag+ency表示机构或状态→代理机构)
coagent 合作者(co共同+agent→共同做的人)
counteragent[,kauntə'reidʒənt] 反作用剂;反抗力(counter+agent作用因素→反作用→反抗力)
reagent 反应力;试剂(re再+agent作用→再次作用→反应,引申为化学试剂)
五、agri, agro, agr=field, land, 表示“田地,农业”等
agriculture 农业(agri+culture培养)
agronomy [ə'ɡrɔnəmi] 农学(agro+nomy学科→农科)
agrarian [ə'grɛəriən] 土产的,农业的(agr+arian表形容词→土产的)
agrimotor['ægriməutə] 农用拖拉机(agri+motor机动车)
agrobiology[ægrəbai'ɔlədʒi] 农业生物学(agro+bilolgy生物学)
六、alter, altern, ali=other, to change, 表示“其他的,改变状态”
alter 变更,改变(alter其他的→变成〔其它的〕)
alterable 可改变的(alter+able能…的)
alteration 改造,改变(alter+ation表名词)
alternation 交互,交错(alternate+ion)
alternative 二者择一(的)(来自alternate交替,交替选择的方法)
alien 外国的,外来的(ali+en表形容词或名词→其他地方的→外国的,外国人的)
alienate 疏远(alien外国的+ate→把别人当外国人→疏远)
七、am, amor, amat=love,表示“爱,情爱”
amatory ['æmətəri] 恋爱的;色情的(amat+ory→爱的 )
amiable ['eimiəbəl] 和蔼的,友善的(ami+able能…的→能〔被〕爱的→亲切的)
amicable ['æmikəbəl] 友好的,温和的(am+ic+able→能爱〔你〕的→友好的)
amity 友好,和睦(am+ity状态→爱的状态→和睦)
enmity [ˈenmiti] 敌意,仇恨(en进入+am+ity→合成enmity,爱太多的成为恨)
ambulance 救护车,流动医院(ambul+ance→走的东西→救护车)
ambulant 走动的,流动的(ambul+ant)
circumambulate [,sə:kəm'æmbjuleit] 环行,绕…而行(circum绕圈+ambul+ate→绕着走)
somnambulate [sɔmˈnæmbjuleit] 梦游,梦行(sonm睡+ambul+ate→睡着走→梦游)
perambulate [pə'ræmbjuleit] 游历,巡游(per到处+ambul+ate→到处走遍→游历)
九、anim=life,spirit, 表示“生命,精神”等
animal 动物(anim+al→有生命的东西→动物)
animate 使有生气,活泼(anim+ate→使有生命)
animation [,æni'meiʃən] 生动;动画(animate的名词)
inanimate 无生命的(in无+anim+ate生命)
magnanimous [mæg'næniməs] 心胸博大的(magn大+anim生命+ous→大生命→心胸博大)
unanimous 意见一致的(un+anim生命+ous→[大家]同一个生命→一致的)
equanimity [,i:kwə'nimiti, ,ekwə-] 平静;沉着(equ平等+anim生命+ity→生命平等→平静)
animosity [æni'mɔsiti] 憎恨,憎恶(anim+osity多的状态→生命太多→由爱变恨→仇恨)
十、ann, enn=year,表示“年,一年”
annual 一年一度的(ann+ual)
anniversary 周年纪念(anni+vers转+ary→一年转到一次→周年纪念日)
annuity 年金;养老金(annu+ity每年的东西→年金)
perennial [pə'renjəl] 终年的;长期的(per始终+ennial年的→终年的)
PATER/PATR comes from Latin noun pater(father), 以及其属格patris, PATRIcomes from Greek noun patēr(father),属格patros。最终源于PIE *pəter-, 注: 同源词还有father.
patriot['petrɪət] n. 爱国者
☉拆patri(fatherland祖国) ot(n表示person人) -> 爱国的人 -> 爱国者
patriotic [[ˌpeɪtri'ɒtɪk] ] adj. 爱国的
patriotism ['petrɪətɪzəm] n. 爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神
- patriot (n.)
- 1590s, "compatriot," from Middle French patriote (15c.) and directly from Late Latin patriota"fellow-countryman" (6c.), from Greek patriotes "fellow countryman," from patrios "of one's fathers," patris "fatherland," from pater (genitive patros) "father" (see father (n.)); with -otes, suffix expressing state or condition.
patrimony['pætrɪmoni] n. 遗产;祖传的财物;继承物(特征、性格等);教会的财产
☉拆patri(father) mony(n后缀 表物体) -> 来自父亲的东西 -> 后来引申为 祖传财产; 遗产
patrimonial [,pætrɪ'monɪəl] adj. 祖传的,世袭的
- patrimony (n.)
- mid-14c., "property of the Church," also "spiritual legacy of Christ," from Old French patremoine"heritage, patrimony" (12c.) and directly from Latin patrimonium "a paternal estate, inheritance from a father," also figurative, from pater (genitive patris) "father" (see father (n.)) -monium, suffix signifying action, state, condition.
patriarch['petrɪɑrk] n. 家长;族长;元老;创始人
☉拆patri(father) arch(ruler) -> ruler who is a father 父权统治者 -> 族长; 家长 注:
patriarchal [,petrɪ'ɑrkl] adj. 家长的;族长的;由族长统治的
patriarchy ['petrɪɑrki] n. 父权制;家长统治;父系社会
- patriarch (n.)
- late 12c., from Old French patriarche "one of the Old Testament fathers" (11c.) and directly from Late Latin patriarcha (Tertullian), from Greek patriarkhes "chief or head of a family," from patria "family, clan," from pater "father" (see father (n.)) arkhein "to rule" (see archon).
patron['petrən] n. 赞助人;保护人;主顾
☉拆 patr(patri father) on(person) -> 父亲般的人 -> 庇护人; 资助人
patronize [ˈpeɪtrəˌnaɪz;ˈpætrənˌaɪz] vt. 以高人一等的态度对待;经常光顾,惠顾;资助;保护
patronage ['pætrənɪdʒ] n. 赞助;光顾;任免权
- patron (n.)
- "a lord-master, a protector," c. 1300, from Old French patron "patron, protector, patron saint" (12c.) and directly from Medieval Latin patronus "patron saint, bestower of a benefice, lord, master, model, pattern," from Latin patronus "defender, protector, former master (of a freed slave); advocate," from pater (genitive patris) "father" (see father (n.)).
compatriot[kəm'petɪət] n. 同胞;同国人 adj. 同胞的;同国的
☉拆com(together) patri(fatherland) ot(person) -> person who has the same fatherland with the people of a certain country -> 同胞
- compatriot (n.)
- 1610s, from French compatriote (16c.), from Latin compatriota, from com- "with" (see com-) patriota "countryman" (see patriot).
expatriate[,ɛks'petrɪət] vt. 使移居国外;流放,放逐;使放弃国籍 vi. 移居国外;放弃原国籍 n. 被流放者;移居国外者 adj. 移居国外的;被流放的
☉拆ex(out) patri(fatherland) ate(v 使...) -> make sb out of one's fatherland -> 把...驱逐国外/流放
- expatriate (v.)
- 1768, modeled on French expatrier "banish" (14c.), from ex- "out of" (see ex-) patrie "native land," from Latin patria "one's native country," from pater (genitive patris) "father" (see father(n.); also compare patriot).
repatriate[,ri'petrɪet] v. 遣返 n. 被遣返回国者
☉拆re(again/back) patri(fatherland) ate(v 使...) -> make sb back to one's fatherland -> 遣返; 回国
repatriation [,ripetrɪ'eʃən] n. 遣送回国;调回本国
- repatriate (v.)
- 1610s, from Late Latin repatriatus, past participle of repatriare "return to one's country" (see repatriation). Related: Repatriated; repatriating.
patrilineal[,pætrɪ'lɪnɪəl] adj. 父系的
☉拆patri(father) line(线) al(of...) -> of the father's line ->父系的(连接在一条线上的)
- patrilineal (adj.)
- 1904, from patri- lineal.
paternal[pə'tɝnl] adj. 父亲的;得自父亲的;父亲般的
☉拆patern(father) al(of...) -> 父亲的
paternalism [pə'tɝnəlɪzəm] n. 家长式统治,家长作风
paternalist adj. 家长作风的;家长式统治的 n. 家长主义者;实行家长制统治的人
paternalistic [pə,tə:nəl'istik] adj. 家长式作风的
- paternal (adj.)
- early 15c., from Old French paternal "of a father" (12c.), from Medieval Latin paternalis, from Latin paternus "of a father, fatherly," from pater (see father (n.)).
壹 句
What you think about is what you become.
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