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问travell是什么意思,英语单词journey/travel/ trip辨析

05-09 互联网 未知 投稿


1、问travell是什么意思:英语单词journey/travel/ trip辨析

英语单词journey/travel/ trip辨析
Journey = an act of travelling from one place to another. In BrE it can be long, or short but reqular

* journey意为从一地到另地的旅行,在英国基语中可指长途或短途的常规旅行:

to go on a 6 00-mile journey作行程6 000英里的旅行

How long is your journey to work?你上班的路有多远?Trip = a journey to a place and back, especially for ashort visit.

* trip意为往返某地,尤指短途旅行: to go on a trip to Disneyland 去迪斯尼乐园游玩a business trip出差
In AmE trip is used instead of journey for a short distance.在美国英语中,短途旅行用trip,不用journey : The trip takes about 45 minutes.全程45分钟左右。
Travel is an uncountable noun that means thegeneral act of travelling.

* travel为不可数名词,之指旅行,游历: She loves travel. 她喜欢旅行。The price includes air travel.此价格包括航空旅费。
Travels [pl.] means several journeys to other placea or countries, especially far away.

* travels意为出国或者长途旅游
To travel puts emphasis on the journey itself.

To travel 强调旅游本身

to travel abroad 出国旅游

I usually travel by air.我常坐飞机旅行
If you are thinking more about the place you are going to than the journey itself, use to go 强调要求的地方而不是旅游本身。

to go : I'm going to Іtаlу оn Frіdау. 我周五要去意大利

Dо уоu gо to New York often?你经常去纽约吗

i am travelling to italy on Friday.

do you travel to NEWYORK often?



问travell是什么意思,英语单词journey/travel/ trip辨析




例句:These attractions induce people to travel in that country. 例句意为:这些风景诱使人们到这个国家去旅游。

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