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04-19 互联网 未知 投稿







Scar tissue(瘢痕组织)that I wish you saw

Sarcastic mister know it all

Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you ’cause

With birds I’ll share

With birds I’ll share

this lonely view

With birds I’ll share

this lonely view

Push me up against the wall

Young Kentucky girl in a push-up bra

Fallin’ all over myself

To lick your heart and taste your health ’cause

With birds I’ll share this lonely view

Blood loss in a bathroom stall

Southern girl with a scarlet drawl

Wave good-bye to ma and pa ’cause

With birds I’ll share

With birds I’ll shareThis lonely view

With birds I’ll share

This lonely view

Soft spoken with a broken jaw

Step outside but not to brawl

Autumn’s sweet we call it fall

I’ll make it to the moon if I have to crawl and

With birds I’ll share this lonely view

Scar tissue that I wish you saw

Sarcastic mister know it all

Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you ’cause

With birds I’ll share

With birds I’ll share

this lonely view

With birds I’ll share this lonely view...


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