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03-05 互联网 未知 投稿



When your alarm goes off and the clock starts ticking down before you have to rush off to work, the last thing going through your mind is a healthy breakfast. Perhaps you grab a bagel and coffee as you head out the door or hit a drive-thru for a breakfast sandwich. Either way, your body isn’t getting the nutrition it needsDon’t worry, it doesn’t mean spending half an hour in the kitchen each morning. The following healthy breakfasts take fewer than five minutes to prepare and will get you ready to face your busy day.当你按停闹钟,开始进入上班前倒计时的时候,你应该没有多余的脑子来像一顿健康的早餐吧。也许你抓起一个面包圈和咖啡就匆匆上路,或者在路上的外卖窗口随便买个三明治打发。不管怎样,你的身体还是没有得到足够的营养。不必担心,不需要你每天早晨在厨房花上半个小时。以下的健康早餐只要不超过5分钟的时间就可以准备好,让你全力面对一天的繁忙。

1. Dressed Up Yogurt Parfait 多层酸奶芭菲


Creating a parfait proves to be a quick and easy breakfast that you can take with you on the run. The Greek yogurt will add some lean protein and calcium to your morning while the assortment of seeds and nuts will bring in the healthy fats you need to keep your appetite levels down and your testosterone up. Finally, the dark chocolate and berries will bring in antioxidants and give just the right amount of sweetness.做一个芭菲是公认的快捷便捷的早饭,你可以带着上路。希腊酸奶提供你早上所需的无杂质蛋白质和钙,什锦坚果在抑制你的食欲的同时能提供身体所需的健康脂肪,并让你的睾酮素上升。最后黑巧克力和莓果含有抗氧化剂并能为你的提供适量的甜度。

¾ cup low fat Greek yogurt四分之三杯低脂希腊酸奶(安慕希那种)

1 tbsp. [w=flaxseed]flaxseeds一茶匙亚麻籽

1 tbsp. walnuts一茶匙核桃

1 cup fresh sliced strawberries一杯新鲜的切块草莓

1 square 90% or higher dark chocolate一块含90%可可或者以上的黑巧克力

Layer together Greek yogurt with the seeds and walnuts along with the berries and dark chocolate.将希腊酸奶混合果仁和核桃,还有莓类加黑巧克力,一层层堆在一起。

2. Oatmeal Energy Bites燕麦能量团子


Oatmeal energy bites are a great option for when you need a grab-and-go breakfast. Prepare these the night ahead and have them ready and waiting for when you wake up. They’re an energy dense option, so they're perfect for those busy days when you need a boost. With the slow-burning carbs from the oatmeal coupled with the healthy fats from the nut butter, these double as a calorie-dense option that's great for naturally thin men looking to build muscle.当你急匆匆要走随便抓个东西做早餐,那么燕麦能量棒是个不错的选择。提前一天晚上准备这些东西,等到第二天早上醒来就好。它们富含能量,如果你那些天正好有工作忙需要补充,(那它们就是不错的选择)。在燕麦中含有缓慢释放的碳水化合物,在坚果酱里面含有健康脂肪,这使得这些使食物中的卡路里翻倍,对于想要增肌的天生瘦子是一个非常不错的选择。

½ cup rolled oats二分之一杯燕麦片

3 tbsp. natural peanut butter三茶匙天然花生酱

1 tbsp. honey一茶匙蜂蜜

1 tbsp. [w=raisin]raisins一茶匙葡萄干

1 tbsp. [w=sliver]slivered[w=almond]almonds一茶匙碎杏仁

Feel free to add in any additional fixings that you desire, then mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Shape into small, bite-sized balls and store in an airtight container until ready to use.随便加你想要加的额外补充物,把所有的材料放在碗里,把他们做成小的,一口大小刚好的球状物,放在密封罐里面存储,直到你需要享用再拿出来。

3. Powered Up Oatmeal Bowl能量燕麦


Loaded with dietary fiber, this oatmeal bowl is going to combat heart disease while curing a case of morning hunger. In just seconds, you can have a balanced breakfast that’s as quick to eat as it is to make.这个燕麦碗早餐富含膳食纤维,能够对抗心脏疾病,同时能治愈早上的饥饿,只需要一点时间就可以得到均衡的营养,做起来就像吃起来那样容易。

1/3 cup oats三分之一杯燕麦

2/3 cup milk (or unsweetened almond milk)三分之二杯牛奶(或是无糖杏仁露)

1 scoop vanilla or chocolate protein powder一勺香草味或是巧克力味蛋白粉

1 tbsp. peanut or almond butter一茶匙花生酱或是杏仁酱

Sliced fruit of your choice你喜欢的切块水果

Prepare the oatmeal with the milk in the microwave. Once finished, stir in a scoop of your favorite protein powder and some nut butter. Top with fruit of your choice for a hearty dose of antioxidants.可以在牛奶里放入燕麦加入微波炉加热,(加热结束)以后,按照个人口味加入一勺你喜欢的蛋白粉和一些坚果酱。在表面加上含有抗氧化剂的水果。

4. Hard-Boiled Egg N' Avocado Toast溏心蛋加鳄梨吐司


Avocadoes are a great source of [w=monounsaturat]monounsaturated fats and will help provide stable energy levels for the hours ahead. Their vitamin E content also makes them excellent for improving the look of your hair, skin, and nails.鳄梨富含不饱和脂肪酸,稳定体内能量数小时。它们所含的维他命E,能够帮助强韧头发、 皮肤和指甲。

2 whole eggs两个鸡蛋

½ avocado二分之一个鳄梨

2 slices of bread两片面包



Slice the Ezekiel bread and then set aside. Fill a pot with water and place eggs inside. Bring to a light boil and then turn down the temperature and continue to cook for another 8-10 minutes. Pour cold water over the eggs and then peel off the shell. Meanwhile, mash the avocado in a bowl and then smear over top of the toast. Slice the eggs and then place over the avocado, placing the cucumber and tomato on top.把Ezekiel 面包切好放在一边。把水壶防水,把鸡蛋放在里面。等到水有点开以后,然后把火关小,继续煮8-10分钟,把冷水浇在鸡蛋上,去壳。同时把鳄梨放在碗里倒成泥,然后涂在面包上,把鸡蛋切切开,放在鳄梨泥上,再放上黄瓜和西红柿。

5. Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Smoothie花生酱香蕉早餐奶昔


Have an early morning workout scheduled? A smoothie will fit the bill perfectly. This peanut butter banana smoothie contains the perfect mix of carbs, healthy fats and lean protein to keep you feeling energized and ready to tackle your toughest of gym sessions. The banana will provide a hearty dose of potassium, which will help you maintain strong muscular contractions, and the healthy fats will ensure you don’t hit a blood glucose crash at any point during the session.早上有计划去锻炼?那奶昔是非常合适的早餐。这款花生黄油香蕉奶昔含有丰富的碳水化合物,健康脂肪,和瘦肉蛋白。让你感觉精神满满,足以应对健身房里面最严酷的训练。香蕉能够提供丰富的钾,能够帮助你防止肌肉痉挛,健康脂肪能够保证你的血糖在锻炼的时候保持稳定。

1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder一斗勺巧克力乳清蛋白粉

1 banana1个香蕉

1 tbsp. natural nut butter一茶匙天然坚果酱

1 cup unsweetened almond milk一杯无糖杏仁露

1-2 ice cubes1到2块冰块

Mix all ingredients in a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency is reached. Serve immediately.把所有的材料都放入搅拌器,打成想要的糊状就可以了开始食用了。

6. Overnight Oats隔夜麦片


Another great option to prepare the night before a busy morning is overnight oatmeal. This recipe is super easy to prepare and will keep a couple of days in the fridge, so it's great for those who never seem to have any spare time. Put it in an airtight container if you need to and eat it when you first arrive at the office.如果早上太忙,还有一个好的选择就是隔夜麦片。菜谱上的内容相当容易准备,能在冰箱里面存放好几天,对于早上没有时间准备的人来说,再合适不过了,把它们放在密封容器里面,当你一到办公室就可以打开来吃。

2 ½ cups oatmeal两杯半燕麦片

2 ½ cups unsweetened almond milk两杯半无糖杏仁露

2 tbsp. honey两茶匙蜂蜜

Sweetener of choice (to taste preference)糖或甜味剂(按个人口味添加)

1 cup blueberries一杯蓝莓

1 cup sliced strawberries一杯草莓片

3 tbsp. almonds三茶匙杏仁

Stir together the oatmeal, almond milk, honey and sweetener. Allow to sit overnight and then in the morning, before serving, top with strawberries and almonds.把燕麦片、杏仁奶、蜂蜜、和甜味添加物放在一起搅拌。静置一晚,在食用之前,在表面放上草莓和杏仁。

7. Blueberry Boost Smoothie蓝莓奶昔


If you have a busy work day ahead filled with meetings and you need to be at your best, try a blueberry boost smoothie. Blueberries are great for enhancing your brain health and will provide you with a hearty dose of antioxidants and vitamins. Blend this together with a little kale, which will add detoxification benefits to your meal, and you’ll be all set.如果你想以最好的精神状态来面对一天满是会议的繁忙工作,那就要试试蓝莓奶昔。蓝莓可以提升你的脑部健康,提供你所需的抗氧化剂和维他命。在奶昔中加入一点羽衣甘蓝,可以帮助排毒。然后一切就绪,准备工作吧。

1 cup fresh blueberries一杯新鲜蓝莓

1 handful of kale一把羽衣甘蓝

1 scoop vanilla protein powder一勺香草蛋白粉

1 cup unsweetened almond milk一杯无糖杏仁露

1 tbsp. sliced almonds一茶匙杏仁片

¼ cup low fat cottage cheese四分之一杯白色软乳酪

2-3 ice cubes2-3块冰块

Blend all ingredients together in the blender and then serve immediately.把所有的用料放在搅拌机内搅拌,然后皆可以食用了。

8. Bran Cereal With Yogurt麸皮谷物酸奶


If heart health is a major concern for you, you’ll want to seek out the best fiber-providing options for breakfast. Few choices are as great as bran cereal, so mix in a little low fat, low sugar yogurt to add the protein you need along with some fresh strawberries for added vitamins and antioxidants.The bran cereal will work well to help stabilize your blood glucose levels while keeping your cholesterol in check. As an added benefit, you’ll also take in a good dose of probiotics with the yogurt as well, which are key to keeping your immune system strong.如果心脏健康对你来说很重要的话,你想要找到能够提供膳食纤维的食物来做早餐。没有比麸皮谷物的跟适合的东西了,加入低脂低糖的酸奶可以提供蛋白质,再加入一些草莓用来提供额外的维他命和抗氧化剂。麸皮谷物能够平衡你的血糖含量,还能控制你的胆固醇。此外,还能摄入酸奶中的益生菌,它是你免疫系统强壮的关键。

½ cup bran cereal二分之一杯麸皮谷物

¾ cup low-sugar, low fat yogurt三分之四杯低糖低脂酸奶

½ cup sliced strawberries二分之一杯切块草莓

1 tbsp. walnuts一茶匙核桃

Pour the cereal in a bowl and then top with yogurt and then strawberries. Sprinkle walnuts on top and then serve.把谷物都放在一个碗中,然后淋上酸奶和草莓还有核桃,就可以开始食用了。

9. 3-Minute Spinach Scrambled Eggs3分钟水煮菠菜炒蛋


Getting enough iron in your diet is a must if you hope to sustain high energy for your active lifestyle. While you can eat beef every night to do so, if staying lean is a goal, it isn’t the wisest of ideas. Instead, try this spinach scramble. Spinach is a great source of iron without the saturated fat.在你的饮食中摄入足够的铁是你健康生活方式和保持曜能量的必须。你可以每天可以吃牛肉来保证,但是如果你想保持苗条,那这可能不是一个非常明智的选择。试一下菠菜糊。菠菜富含铁而且没有饱和脂肪。

1 whole egg一个鸡蛋

1 cup egg whites一杯蛋清

1 handful spinach leaves一把菠菜叶

1 tsp. olive oil一茶匙橄榄油

¼ sliced red pepper四分之一个红椒

salt and pepper to taste调味用的盐和胡椒

¼ cup salsa四分之一杯洋葱做的辣调味汁

Whisk together the egg and egg whites and then heat oil in the skillet over medium heat. Pour the eggs into the skillet and then top with spinach leaves and red pepper. Stir as you scramble the mixture together. Add salt and pepper for taste, and then serve topped with fresh salsa.把鸡蛋和蛋清充分混合,在平底锅内用中火以上加热油,然后加入菠菜叶和红椒。充分搅拌均匀。加入盐和胡椒调味。出锅后在顶部淋上洋葱做的辣调味汁。

10. Pumped Up Coffee元气咖啡


If the only thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning is a cup of coffee to get your day going, consider turning your morning brew into one that’ll nourish your body as well. By adding a little skim milk and protein powder to your coffee, you’ll get calcium, protein, and just a touch of carbs. If you happen to be heading into a workout session, consider making it chocolate milk to boot, for some added sugar as well.如果你早晨起来脑子里就想着要一杯咖啡开启你的一天,考虑一下早起做咖啡,同样为自己的身体营养。只要加一点脱脂牛奶和蛋白粉在你的咖啡中,你就能得到钙,蛋白质,还有碳水化合物。如果你恰好要出去锻炼那么,可以考虑吧牛奶换成巧克力奶,还可以适当加点糖。

½ cup strong coffee二分之一杯带劲的咖啡

½ cup skim/chocolate milk (or unsweetened almond milk)二分之一杯脱脂或是巧克力奶(或无糖杏仁露)

1 scoop chocolate or vanilla protein powder一斗勺巧克力或者香草蛋白粉

Mix together the milk and protein powder and prepare coffee. Once the coffee is prepared, stir the two liquids together and then serve, either warm or over ice depending on your preference.把牛奶、蛋白粉和准备好的咖啡一起搅拌。一旦咖啡准备好,把另外两种液体放在一起搅拌然后就好啦,根据个人口味冷热饮用皆可。



桑葚放一夜还能吃吗 桑葚放一夜还能吃吗?桑葚,相信很多人都喜欢吃,它是一种具有补血滋阴,生津止渴,润肠燥等功效的食物,如果买来的桑葚放了一个晚上,隔天还能不能吃呢?下面跟着我一起来看看桑葚放一夜还能吃吗。 桑葚放一夜还能吃吗1 桑葚放一夜还能吃吗 看桑葚坏了没有。


但如果桑葚放了一晚上没有出现任何异样的话,就还能再继续食用,并且要趁桑葚新鲜的时候尽快食用完。 桑葚没吃完怎么保存 冷藏保存 将新鲜的桑葚用干净保鲜盒包好,要避免桑葚受到挤压,然后再将装好的桑葚放入冰箱中冷藏保存,这样能保存2-3天左右。 制成果酒或者果酱 如果桑葚比较多的话,可以将其制成桑葚酒或者是桑葚果酱,这样能增加桑葚的风味,同时还能延长其保存时间。 晒干保存 如果桑葚太多吃不完还可以将其晒成桑葚干,桑葚当中水分蒸发之后能延长其保存时间,像这种晒好的桑葚干平时也可以用来泡水喝。

桑葚有虫子能吃吗 能吃。 很多新鲜桑葚当中会出现一些小虫子,这种虫子是果蝇在黑桑葚中卵化而成的稚虫,它是全国性广泛的虫害,它在杨梅、草苗、车厘子上都出现过,对身体是没害的。所以这种有虫子的桑葚是可以吃的,食用之后并不会对身体造成不好的影响,虫子也不会影响桑葚的`营养价值,只要在食用之前用盐水浸泡,将桑葚表面的虫子清洗干净即可。

并且桑葚表面有虫子反而说明桑葚没有打过农药。 桑葚适合小孩吃吗 尽量少吃。 小孩子是可以吃桑葚的,小孩适量吃一点桑葚能起到增进视力、滋补肾阴的作用。

但是要尽量少吃一点,因为桑葚中含有大量胰蛋白酶的抑制物,这种物质会影响机体会钙质、铁、锌离子等多种矿物质成分的吸收,而小孩子正处在生长发育的高峰期,如果过多的食用桑葚会影响身体的正常发育。 桑葚放一夜还能吃吗2 桑葚怎么洗好 方法一 1、洗桑葚时先用自来水连续冲洗桑葚表面几分钟。 2、再将其浸泡于淘米水中或者淡盐水,过一会儿用清水洗净。

温馨提示:浸泡时间控制在15分钟左右为宜。 方法二 1、碗里放点盐。 2、少量开水让盐融化。 3、放入更多的冷水;倒入桑葚里,浸泡5分钟后用冷水再清洗一下就可以吃了。

方法三 取少量面粉和桑葚混合一起清洗,面粉沾水有粘性,会把桑葚果肉表面的农药残留物沾掉。 桑葚清洗的注意事项 1、桑葚清洗之前需要剪掉多余的枝叶,但是一定要把桑葚的蒂留下来再去清洗,这样可以避免农药和细菌从受损的蒂进入果肉里。 2、很多厨房清洁剂也是可以用来清洗水果的,但是其实并不这么推荐,因为那些厨房清洁剂本身就很难彻底冲洗干净。


;     桑葚作为四月最为热卖的水果之一,每每该水果上市的时候,大家都会买一些放在家中的冰箱里,不过由于有人害怕桑身上会有农药残余,所以食用之前都会用盐水泡一泡,下面小编就和大家一起看看洗桑葚用盐水浸泡多久合适。桑葚用盐水泡一个晚上还可以吃吗      视情况而定,不过大多数是可以食用的,毕竟桑葚放过夜了,只要闻着没有馊味,尝一点点,没有怪味,就还是可以食用的。


为桑科植物桑树的果穗,并且桑葚属于水果,经过一夜的存放后,不会产生有害物质,所以是可以食用的。洗桑葚用盐水浸泡多久合适40分钟最为合适。      洗桑葚用盐水浸泡多久合适是很多人在买该水果的时候都比较好奇的,一般来讲洗桑葚一般用盐水泡40分钟到一个小时会比较好。当然盐水不要太咸,否则泡过之后的桑葚吃起来就会没有甘甜的口感,反而是咸咸的了。

因此只需要适量的盐加入水中,然后将桑葚的倒入盐水当中,如果用温水去泡就最好了,这样盐更容易融化,也更容易将桑葚里面的细菌以及小虫给浸泡出来。桑葚开水泡还是温水泡好      新鲜桑葚既不能用热水也不能用温水,凉水泡最好。在泡的时候大家可以家加一丢丢的盐,盐水可以达到杀菌效果,去除桑葚表面的细菌好放心食用。



桑葚干泡水隔天可以喝吗是很多人都好奇的,毕竟桑葚干因其含有的营养物质极多且有补血清血,促进造血细胞生长,抗癌、降血糖血脂、驻颜抗衰老等功效,所以很多人都会买一些,下面我就和大家一起看看。 桑葚干泡水隔天可以喝吗 桑椹泡水最佳不要隔夜喝。


桑葚干具有很高的食用价值,其成分中含有丰富的蛋白质、糖分、维生素、胡萝卜素、花青素、挥发油、矿物质及微量元素等,其中微量元素钼为百果之首,在用桑葚泡水是,营养逐渐的析出到水中,如果将桑葚水放置一天的话,空气中存在的细菌微生物很可能落入水中繁殖,从而降低桑葚的食用价值,因此建议桑葚干泡水放到第二天最好是不要再喝了。 桑葚干泡水可不可以天天喝 桑葚干泡水虽益处多多,但是一般是不建议大家天天喝的。我们日常生活中喝东西都是为了促进身体健康,但是桑葚干的性味过于寒凉,每天用桑葚干泡水喝,很容易影响自身的体质情况,出现身体过于寒凉的情况,反而不利于身体健康了,因此不建议天天喝桑葚干泡水。 桑葚干泡水什么时候喝比较好 桑葚干泡水什么时候喝比较好是大家常会讨论的,一般来讲桑葚干泡水2~3天喝一次好。



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