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03-03 互联网 未知 投稿


1、携程投资超音速飞机制造商 45分钟连通京沪

China's leading online travel agency wants to bring supersonic flights to the country's 1.4 billion population.

Ctrip has announced on Thursday an investment in US based supersonic airplane developer Supersonic Boom that will help build its commercial aircraft.




携程周四宣布,将投资美国超音速飞机制造商Boom Supersonic,这将有助于其商用飞机的制造。

The airplane developer is currently building a supersonic airliner capable of carrying 55 passengers at Mach 2.2, which is equivalent to the speed of 1,451mph (2,335 km/h).

Boom boasts that this could cut travel time in half, meaning that a flight from Shanghai to Los Angeles would shrink to just over six hours, instead of the current 12-hour flight time.

Boom公司2014年创立于美国丹佛,其正在研发的55座2.2马赫超音速飞机,飞行时速约合每小时2333千米。该公司创始人兼首席执行官布莱克•肖尔(Blake Scholl)说,超音速飞行可以使得旧金山到中国城市的飞行时间从目前的11小时缩短到6小时。

The Boom airliner is expected enter service in the mid-2020s.

'Ctrip is making a strategic investment in the next generation of travel', said James Liang, co-founder and executive chairman of the service provider.



yorkieboy1944, Bradford, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

Perhaps we should do with this aircraft what the Americans did to stop the success of Concord and refuse landing righrs and cause as many problems as possible.


Galahad, The Meadows, United States, 10 hours ago

The US banned the plane from going supersonic over the US. So did quite a few other countries. But go ahead and ban it from Britain. I doubt that will affect its flights over the Pacific.


Shelley, Stranraer, 11 hours ago

If they need any tips they know who to ask!


EU Free UK, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

I wouldn't trust any Chinese investment, as technology has a habit of going missing and turning up back in China !


JDRoest, Mobile, United States, 13 hours ago

If there was money in these routes to be made, Boeing would have built it long before now. You don¿t really think the aircraft companies don't talk to their customers constantly?


Logan44, High Wycombe, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

If memory serves me correctly didnt the UK & France do this with Concorde, so it is not a new idea then.


Size8, Mesa, United States, 11 hours ago

And it will not improve on the Concorde, the best looking plane ever


BitterInTN, Knoxville, United States, 14 hours ago

So, re-inventing the wheel?




memory 英 [ˈmeməri]   美 [ˈmeməri]n.记忆力;记性;记忆所及的时期;回忆所及的范围;回忆;记忆复数: memories记忆技巧:memor 记忆;记 + y 表结果 → 记忆,记忆力例句:All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory.我对会议的所有细节都记忆犹新。固定搭配Memory Card 存储卡 ; 记忆卡 ; 内存卡 ; 储存卡Expanded memory 扩展记忆体 ; 扩充内存 ; 扩充存储器 ; 扩展内存Declarative memory 陈述性记忆 ; 表述性记忆 ; 叙述性记忆扩展资料:同义词辨析recollection n. [正式]记忆中的往事;想起,记起指对往昔之事的记忆,也指记起某事的行为。

例句:His recollection of that trip differs from hers.他对那次旅行的记忆和她不一样。

2、remembrance n. [正式]记忆,回忆;纪念指对人或事的记忆,或对已逝之人的悼念。例句:He is over forty now, but he still has a lively remembrance of his childhood.他40多岁了,但是对童年依然记忆犹新。3、reminiscence n. 回忆往事的谈话,回忆录指对往事的回忆,可以是口头的,也可以是书面的,常用复数。例句:He continued with reminiscences of his father.他继续讲着有关他父亲的往事。



memory 翻译成中文是什么

memory    英[ˈmeməri]    美[ˈmeməri]    n.    记忆力; 记性; 记忆所及的时期; 回忆所及的范围; 回忆; 记忆;  [例句]All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory我对会议的所有细节都记忆犹新。[其他]    复数:memories 扩展资料:习惯用语1、if (my) memory serves me well, correctly, etc.如果我没有记错的话 if I remember correctly2、in memory of sb  to the memory of sb作为对某人的纪念intended to show respect and remind people of sb who has diedHe founded the charity in memory of his late wife.他创办了这一慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子。


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