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03-05 互联网 未知 投稿




If I let you go, will you promise not to comeback and waste my family?




People wasted So much food at the party.



Sandy was wasted last night. We had tocarry her back home.


3.Waste 杀人, 毁掉某物

Leon is very good at Street Fighter. He wasted me in less than 2 minutes.

Leon玩Street Fighter很厉害,不到两分钟就把我杀死了。


I dropped my phone in the toilet and now it's wasted. It won't even start.



waste的中文意思 英 [west] 美 [west] 第三人称单数:wastes现在分词:wasting过去分词:wasted过去式:wasted 名词:浪费,白费,挥霍钱财;废料,废品,废物;荒地,荒芜;消耗(量),损耗 及物/不及物动词:浪费;徒劳;(使)损耗;(使)消瘦 及物动词:破坏;干掉;(游戏或比赛中)大胜 形容词:废弃的,无用的,荒芜的. 相关例句: 及物动词 1. He was wasted by disease. 他因患病而虚弱。 2. Long dry periods wasted the land. 长期的干旱使土地荒芜。

不及物动词 1. Turn the water off. Don't let it waste. 把水关上,别让它白白流掉。

名词 1. The city was burnt to a desolate waste. 这城市被焚毁成废墟。 2. A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。 waste的情景对话 生意场上 A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that . 我建议你改用这种替代那种。 B:But that costs more . 可是那样成本较高。

A:But you will get less waste from this . 但可以减少浪费。 B:We‘ll try it once . 那么就试一次看看吧。 咨询 A:The last order didn‘t work out too well for us 上回订的货用起来不怎么顺。

B:What was wrong? 有什么问题吗? A:We were developing too much waste . 生产出来的废品太多了。 B:I suggest you go up to our next higher price level. 我建议您采用我们价格再高一级的货。 waste的双语例句 1. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you. 时间,我们都浪费不起,并请你相信我一直始终不渝的爱着你。

2. Coordinates the health and safety program and activities and plant security, environmental and hazardous waste activities. 执行环境健康安全委员安排的项目责任,及环境管理系统的跟踪工作 3. Some people waste food while others haven't enough to eat. 有一些人浪费粮食而另一些人却食不果腹。 4. Some people waste food while others haven`t enough. 有些人在浪费食物而另一些人却食不果腹。 5. Don't waste my time anymore. 再浪偻我的?殓了! 6. Before we appraisal the courses of the military classes effectively, the resource of education could not be used very well. It usually leads to the waste of teaching hours and the detrition of equipments. 在尚未有效的评估不同班队之课程前,教学资源未能有效利用,容易造成教学时数浪费,教学器材损耗率平白增加的状况。


waste英 [ weɪst ] 美 [ west ]n.浪费,白费,挥霍钱财; 废料,废品,废物; 荒地,荒芜; 消耗(量),损耗vt.& vi.徒劳; (使)损耗; (使)消瘦; 浪费vt.破坏; 干掉; (游戏或比赛中)大胜adj.废弃的, 无用的, 荒芜的变形过去式: wasted 过去分词: wasted 现在分词: wasting 第三人称单数: wastesI figure life is a gift and I don't inte...我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不...Life is too short to waste. Dreams are f...人生短暂,怎能虚度!梦想要靠行动来实现,...Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。




waste的释义 v.浪费; 滥用; 白费; 糟蹋; 未充分利用; 使…屈才; n.浪费; 滥用; 白费; 糟蹋; 废料; 废物; 弃物; 垃圾; adj.荒芜的; 废弃的; 丢弃的; 无用的; 第三人称单数:wastes 现在分词:wasting 过去式:wasted 过去分词:wasted waste的用法 1.waste可用作名词,表示浪费,不可数,但可连用不定冠词。 waste也可作“废料,废弃物”解,指失去原使用价值的、陈旧、破损了的物品,是不可数名词,表示不同种类的废弃物时可用于复数形式。 It was mere waste of breath to argue with him. 和他辩论不过只是白费力气。 2.waste可用作动词 waste的基本意思是“浪费”,即对人、财、物等使用不当或没有节制。

其特征表现在主观方面是粗心或奢侈,表现在客观方面则是白白付出而没有取得成就或好处。 All his efforts were wasted.他的所有努力都白费了。 I don't like to waste your time.我不愿浪费你的时间。

3.waste可用作形容词有“废弃的,无用的”含义,在句中只用作定语。 He threw it away,thinking it was waste paper. 他把它扔掉,以为它是废纸。


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