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02-12 互联网 未知 投稿




pen [pen] 钢笔 pencil ['pensəl] 铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒['pensəlkeis]

ruler ['ru:lə]尺子 eraser 橡皮[i'reizə] crayon 蜡笔['kreiən]

book 书[buk] bag 书包[[bæɡ] sharpener 卷笔刀['ʃɑ:pənə]

school 学校[sku:l] head 头[hed] face 脸 [feis]

nose鼻子[nəuz] mouth 嘴[mauθ] eye 眼睛[ai]

ear 耳朵[iə] rm胳膊[ɑ:m] finger 手指['fiŋɡə]

leg 腿[leɡ] foot 脚[fut] body 身体['bɔdi]

red 红色的[red] yellow 黄色的['jeləu] green 绿色的[ɡri:n]

blue 蓝色的[blu:] purple 紫色的['pə:pl] white 白色的[hwait]

black 黑色的[blæk] orange 橙色的['ɔrindʒ] pink 粉色的[piŋk]

brown 棕色的[braun] cat 猫[kæt] dog 狗[[dɔɡ]

monkey 猴子['mʌŋki] panda 熊猫['pændə] rabbit 兔子['ræbit]

duck 鸭子[dʌk] pig 猪[piɡ] bird 鸟[bə:d]

bear 熊[bεə] elephant 大象['elifənt] mouse 老鼠[maus]

squirrel 松鼠['skwə:rəl] cake 蛋糕[keik] bread 面包[bred]

hot dog 热狗 hamburger汉堡包['hæmbə:ɡə] chicken 鸡肉['tʃikin]

French fries 榨薯条 Coke 可乐[kəuk] juice 果汁[dʒu:s]

milk 牛奶[milk] water 水['wɔ:tə] tea 茶[ti:]

coffee 咖啡['kɔfi] one一[wʌn] two 二[tu:]

three 三[θri:] four 四[fɔ:] five 五[faiv]

six 六[siks] seven 七['sevən] eight 八[eit]

nine 九[nain] ten 十[ten] doll 玩具娃娃[dɔl]

boat 小船[bəut] ball 球[bɔ:l] kite 风筝[kait]

balloon 气球[bə'lu:n] car 小汽车[kɑ:] plane 飞机[plein]


I am (我)是[æm] you 你[ju: ] are (你)是[ɑ: ]

come in. 进来[kʌm] name 名字[neim] class 班[klɑ:s ]

good 好的[ɡud] good morning! 早上好! new新的[nju: ]

from 从[frɔm] from beijing 从北京来的 we 我们[wi: ]

chair 椅子[tʃεə] wall 墙[wɔ:l] ball 球[bɔ:l]

box 盒子[bɔks] floor 地板[flɔ:]

at 在[æt] zoo 动物园[zu:] at the zoo 在动物园里

park 公园[pɑ:k] classroom 教室['klɑ:srum] factory工厂['fæktəri]

square 广场[skwεə] capital首都['kæpitəl] China 中国['tʃainə]

the capital of China 中国的首都 love 爱[lʌv]

motherland 祖国['mʌðəlænd] has有[hæz] star 星[stɑ:]

our我们的['auə] national国家的['næʃənəl] cap 帽子[kæp]

national flag国旗[flæɡ] coat上衣[kəut] have有[hæv]

long长的[lɔ:ŋ] short短的,矮的[ʃɔ:t] big大的[biɡ]

small小的[smɔ:l] or或, 还是[ɔ: ] guess 猜[ɡes]

hey 嗨[hei] tall高的[tɔ:l] old年老的[əuld]

young年轻的[jʌŋ] Chinese 中国的;汉语;中国人['tʃai'ni:z]

English英国的;英语;英国人['iŋgliʃ] over 越(过) ['əuvə]

there 那儿[ðεə] over there 在那边 American美国的,美国人[ə'merikən]

other另外的['ʌðə] an一(个) [æn] apple苹果['æpl]

orange桔子['ɔrindʒ] hand手[hænd] egg蛋[eɡ]

umbrella 伞[ʌm'brelə] school is over. 放学了 home家[həum]

go home 回家 rain 雨;下雨[rein] it's raining. 正在下雨

can't 不能 now 现在[nau] much许多[mʌtʃ]

how much 多少 eleven 十一[i'levən] twelve十二[twelv]

minus 减['mainəs] here这儿[hiə] here you are. 给你

money 钱['mʌni] they 他(她,它)们 twenty 二十['twenti]

these 这些[ði:z] those 那些[ðəuz] door 门[dɔ:]

window窗['windəu] picture图画['piktʃə] talk说话,谈论[tɔ:k]

about 关于[ə'baut] flower花['flauə] some 一些[sʌm]

boat 船[bəut] lake 湖[leik] skirt 裙子[skə:t]

clean 清洁的[kli:n] shirt (男式)衬衫[ʃə:t] dirty脏的['də:ti]

cup 杯子[kʌp] glass玻璃杯[ɡlɑ:s] picture-book 图画书

have a look 看一看 sure 当然,一定[ʃuə] and和[ænd]

grade 年级[ɡreid] maths数学[mæθs] your 你们的[jɔ: ]

their 他(她,它)们的 [ðεə] pioneer 先锋[,paiə'niə]

young pioneer 少年先锋队员 scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] red scarf 红领巾

both 两[bəuθ] all全部,都[ɔ:l] peasant农民['pezənt]

soldier士兵['səuldʒə] doctor医生[dɔktə] class is over下课了

play 玩[plei] there are 有 do做du: ]

what are they doing? 她们在做什么?pingpong 乒乓 right对的[rait]

join 参加[dʒɔin] them 他(她,它)们(宾格) [ðem]


Paper 纸['peipə] piece片[pi:s] a piece of 一片,一张

ink墨水[iŋk] bottle瓶['bɔtl] a bottle of 一瓶

water水['wɔ:tə] bread面包[bred] give给[ɡiv]

me我(宾格) [mi: ] please请[pli:z] thank谢谢[θæŋk]

want要[wɔ:nt] write写[rait] letter信['letə]

any任何['eni] have you any paper? 你有纸吗? Thanks谢谢

go去[ɡəu] go to the door 到门那儿去 open开 ['əupən]

close关[kləuz] blackboard黑板 ['blækbɔ:d]

clean把…弄干净[kli:n] football足球 ['fut,bɔ:l]

match比赛[mætʃ] this afternoon今天下午 [,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n]

between .在(两者)之间[bi'twi:n] time时候[taim] what time? 什么时候?

at three 在三时 but但是[bʌt] jacket外衣,夹克['dʒækit]

basketball篮球['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] TV电视 radio 收音机['reidiəu]

bat球拍[bæt] maybe也许,可能['meibi] of course 当然[kɔ:s]

some一些[sʌm] knife小刀[naif] sorry对不起,抱歉

for为[ fɔ: ] can能够[kæn] make做,制作[meik]

right now立刻 there is有,存在 picture图画 ['piktʃə]

near 靠近[niə] playground操场['pleiɡraund] model模型['mɔdəl]

model plane模型飞机 model ship 模型轮船 sky天空 [skai]

lake湖[leik] bright明亮的[brait] above 在…上方[ə'bʌv]

slogan标语,口号['sləuɡən] world世界[wə:ld] many许多['meni]

lesson功课 ['lesən] have lessons上课 like喜欢[laik]

table桌子['teibl] let让[let] us 我们(宾格) [ʌs]

have a look 看一看 toy玩具[tɔi] fly飞[flai]

house房子[haus] tree 树[tri:] river河流 ['rivə]

dog狗[[dɔɡ] front前面,前部[frʌnt] in front of 在…前面

cat猫[kæt] then那么,然后[ðen] cow母牛[kau]

behind在..后面[bi'haind] goose鹅[ɡu:s] geese鹅(复数) [ɡi:s]

moon月亮[mu:n] air 空气[εə] mountain山['mauntin]

think想,认为[θiŋk] so这样,这么,所以['səu]

animal动物['æniməl] life 生命,生活[laif] which 哪一个 [hwitʃ]

nineteen十九[,nain'ti:n] twenty二十['twenti] thirty 三十['θə:ti]

twenty-one二十一['twenti'wʌn] thirty-three三十三['θə:ti'θri:]

miss 女士,小姐[mis] people 人,人民['pi:pl] family家,家庭['fæmili]

day白天[dei] week周,星期[wi:k] today今天[tə'dei]

baby婴儿,幼畜['beibi] see看见[si:] zebra斑马['zi:brə]

monkey猴子['mʌŋki] run跑[rʌn] jump跳[dʒʌmp]

all the time 一直 count数[kaunt] lion狮子['laiən]

tiger 老虎['taiɡə] sit坐[sit] exercise练习['eksəsaiz]

exercise-book 练习本 out出,在外[aut] out of 向(在)…外面

listen听['lisən] read读[ri:d] after在…后面 ['ɑ:ftə]

stop停止[stɔp] wait 等待[weit] evening傍晚,晚上['i:vniŋ]

cinema电影院['sinəmə] crossing 十字路口['krɔ:siŋ] light 灯,光['lait]

must必须,应该[mʌst] yet还(没有)…还(不)…[jet] o'clock 点钟[ə'klɔk]

morning早晨,上午['mɔ:niŋ] get得到[ɡet] up向上[ʌp]

get up起床 half半[hɑ:f, hæf] past过[pɑ:st, pæst]

morning exercises早操 breakfast早餐['brekfəst] eye-exercises 眼保操

have a lesson上课 draw画[drɔ:] clock钟[klɔk]

tell 告诉[tel] her 她(宾格) [hə: ] stand站,站立[stænd]

ask 问,提问[ɑ:sk] question问题['kwestʃən] other别的['ʌðə]

answer 回答['ɑ:nsə] talk in English 用英语交谈 help 帮助[help]

quarter四分之一;一刻['kwɔ:tə] game游戏[ɡeim] study学习,研究['stʌdi]

supper晚饭['sʌpə] watch观看 [wɔ:tʃ] homework家庭作业['həumwə:k]

Mr.先生(mister的缩写) ['mistə] son儿子[sʌn] daughter女儿['dɔ:tə]

newspaper报纸['nju:s,peipə] by 在…旁,靠近 story故事['stɔ:ri]

story-book故事书 with和…用…[wið] play with 玩…

sweep扫[swi:p] floor地板,地面[flɔ:] mop擦,抹,拖[mɔp]

ready准备好了['redi] still 还,仍旧[stil] lunch午餐[lʌntʃ]

room房间[ru:m] look for 寻找 hurry匆忙,赶紧 ['hʌri]

hurry up! 快点! fox狐狸[fɔks] news消息,新闻[nju:z]

down向下[daun] very很,非常['veri] way路[wei]

come this way 往这边来 well健康的[wel] away离[ə'wei]

run away 跑掉 why (表吃惊,满意等)哎呀!为什么?[hwai]


board 写字板 [bɔ:d] computer 计算机 teacher’s desk 讲台

fan扇子,电扇[fæn] classmate同学['klɑ:smeit] good idea好主意[ai'diə]

all right好吧,好的 seat座位[si:t] good job 干的好[dʒɔb]

what什么[hwɔt] look at 看…… Chinese book 语文书

English book 英语书 notebook 笔记本['nəutbuk] too many 太多了

fat胖的[fæt] heavy重的;沉重的['hevi] may可以[mei]

long hair 长头发[hεə] short hair 短头发 thin 瘦的[θin]

strong 健壮的[strɔŋ quiet 安静的['kwaiət] his 他的[hiz]

photo 照片['fəutəu] teacher 教师['ti:tʃə] student 学生['stju:dənt]

music音乐['mju:zik] science科学['saiəns] sports 体育运动[spɔ:ts]

computer game 电脑游戏 painting 绘画['peintiŋ] boy 男孩[bɔi]

girl女孩[ɡə:l] bathroom 卫生间['bɑ:θrum] bedroom 卧室['bedrum]

kitchen 厨房['kitʃin] fridge 冰箱[fridʒ] key钥匙[ki:]

desk 课桌;书桌[desk] rice米饭[rais] noodle(s) 面条['nu:dl]

beef 牛肉[bi:f] vegetable 蔬菜['vedʒitəbl] soup 汤[su:p]


spoon 勺子[spu:n] plate 盘子[pleit] fork 叉子[fɔ:k]

pass 传递[pɑ:s] try试一下[trai] help yourself随便吃

show 展示[ʃəu] food 食物[fu:d] parents 父母['pєərənts]

uncle 叔叔;舅舅['ʌŋkl] aunt 姑姑;婶;姨[ɑ:nt] member 成员['membə]

only 只有;仅仅['əunli] puppy 小狗['pʌpi] sister 姐妹['sistə]

brother 兄弟['brʌðə] father 父亲;爸爸['fɑ:ðə] driver 司机[draivə]

farmer 农民['fɑ:mə] nurse 护士[nə:s] it 它 [it]

class 课程[klɑ:s] dress 连衣裙[dres] T-shirt T恤衫

no 不;不是[nəu] not 不;不是的[nɔt] warm 暖和的[wɔ:m]

cold 寒冷的[kəuld] cool 凉爽的[ku:l] today 今天[tə'dei]

jean 牛仔裤[dʒein] pant 长裤[pænt] socks 袜子[sɔks]

shoes 鞋子[ʃu:s] snowy 下雪的['snəui] sunny晴朗的['sʌni]

banana 香蕉[bə'nɑ:nə] pear梨[pεə] watermelon西瓜['wɔ:təmelən

they她们[ðei] horse 马[hɔ:s] Monday 星期一['mʌndi]

Tuesday星期二 ['tju:zdi ]Wednesday星期三['wenzdei ]Thursday ] 星期四['θə:zdi]

Friday星期五 ['fraidi] Saturday星期六 ['sætədi] Sunday星期天 ['sʌndi]


robot 机器人['rɔbət] good 好的[gʊd] friend朋友[frend]

hear 听,听见[hiə] work工作[wə:k] walk 走路,步行[wɔ:k]

excuse me. 对不起!请原谅![iks'kju:z] take 拿,乘[teik] number 号,号码['nʌmbə]

take a no.7 bus 乘七路公共汽车 trolley-bus 无轨电车['trɔlibʌs]

underground. 地下火车,地铁['ʌndəgraund

by underground 乘地铁 bus stop 公共汽车站[stɔp] catch 赶上;抓住[kætʃ]

fish 鱼[fiʃ] bird鸟[bə:d fly飞[flai] swim 游泳[swim]

so这样,这么,所以 sing 唱,唱歌[siŋ] dance跳舞,舞蹈['dɑ:ns]

speak 说[spi:k] little少许,一点点['litl] a little 少许,一点点

owl 猫头鹰[əul] each每个各自的[i:tʃ] each other 互相['ʌðə]

begin 开始[bi'gin] much 许多;很,非常[mʌtʃ] like像[laik]

so much like 很像 dark 黑暗[dɑ:k] say说sei]

after all 究竟,到底 sometimes 有时候['sʌmtaimz] go to bed 去睡觉

after school 放学后 often 经常,常常'ɔ:ftən] child小孩[tʃaild]

children 小孩(复数) ['tʃildrən] palace宫殿['pælis] a lot of 许多…

fun乐趣,娱乐[fʌn] every每个的['evri] early早,早的['ə:li]

wash洗[wɔʃ] brush刷(子) [brʌʃ] tooth 牙[tu:θ]

teeth牙(复数) [ti:θ] about 关于;大约['əbaut] far远[fɑ:]

usually通常['ju:ʒʊəli] want想要,需要[wɔnt] summer夏天['sʌmə]

winter冬季,冬天['wintə] skate 滑冰[skeit ] buy买[bai]

size 大小,尺寸,号码[saiz] try试[trai] try on 试穿

will将[wil] hare野兔[hєə] tortoise乌龟['tɔ:təs]

race比赛[reis] have a race 赛一赛 get到达[get]

get there 到那里 got (动词get的过去式) [gɔt]

first第一,首先[fə:st] win赢,获胜[win] rest休息[rest]

sleep 睡觉[sli:p] fast 快[fɑ:st] Russian俄语,俄国人['rʌʃən]

volleyball排球['vɔlibɔ:l] Mr. and Mrs. white 怀特先生和夫人

England英国['inglənd] America美国;美洲[ə'merikə]

welcome欢迎;受欢迎的['welkəm] how do you do? (初次见面)您好!

forty四十['fɔ:ti] forty-two四十二 very much 非常

only仅仅唯一的['əunli] bell铃,铃声[bel] it's time for 是…的时候了

back后面[bæk] at the back 在后面 when什么时候[(h)wen]

begin classes 开始上课 time次,次数[taim] month月[mʌnθ]

once一次[wʌns] once a week 每周一次 group 组[gru:p]

pool 池[pu:l] swimming-pool 游泳池 man男子[mæn]

him他(宾格) [him] woman妇女['wumən] her 她(宾格) [hə ]

bring带来,拿来[briŋ] us 我们(宾格) call 叫[kɔ:l]

dad 爸爸[dæd] cabbage卷心菜 ['kæbidʒ] pair 一双[pєə]

a pair of 一双… shoe 鞋[ʃu:] yours你的,你们的[juəz]

mine我的[main] whose 谁的[hu:z] trousers 裤子,长裤['traʊzəz]

a pair of trousers 一条裤子 ours 我们的['auəz] other另外的['ʌðə]

theirs他(她,它)们的[ðєəz] wear 穿戴[wεə] blouse (女式)衬衫[blauz]

hers 她的[hə:z] ground地面[graʊnd] pick 采,摘[pik]

pick up 拾起 empty 空的['empti] basin 盆,脸盆['beisən]

put 放into 到…里 really 真地['riəli] may i have a try? 我可以试试吗?


do morning exercises 晨练['mɔ:niŋ] ['eksəsaiz] eat breakfast 吃早饭[i:t] ['brekfəst]

have English class上英语课[hæv ] ['iŋgliʃ] [klɑ:s] play sports进行体育运动[plei] [spɔ:ts]

eat dinner 吃晚饭['dinə] when 什么时候[(h)wen] evening 夜晚;晚上['i:vniŋ]

get up 起床[get] [ʌp] usually 通常;一般['ju:ʒʊəli] noon 中午[nu:n]

climb mountains 爬山[klaim] ['mauntins] go shopping 购物;买东西[gəu] ['ʃɔpiŋ]

play the piano弹钢琴[plei] [pi'ɑ:nəu ]visit grandparents看望祖父母['vizit] ['græn,pєərənts]

go hiking 去远足['haikiŋ] weekend 周末['wi:kend] often 经常['ɔ:ftən]

sometimes 有时候['sʌmtaimz] spring 春天[spriŋ] summer 夏天['sʌmə]

fall 秋天[fɔ:l]winter 冬天['wintə]season 季节['si:zn]

which 哪一个[(h)witʃ]best 最;极[best]swim 游泳[swim]

fly kites 放风筝[flai] [kait] skate 滑冰(鞋)[skeit]make a snowman 堆雪人['snəʊmæn]

plant trees 种树[plɑ:nt] [tri:s]because 因为[bi'kɔz]sleep 睡觉[sli:p]

birthday 生日['bə:θdei]date 日期[deit] draw pictures 画画[drɔ:] ['piktʃəz]

cook dinner做饭[kuk] ['dinə] read a book 看书[rid] answer the phone 接电话['ɑ:nsə] [fəun]

listen to music听音乐['lisn] ['mju:zik]clean the room打扫房间[kli:n][rum]

write a letter写信[rait] ['letə]write an e-mail 写电子邮件grandpa 爷爷;外公['grændpɑ:]

study 书房['stʌdi]kangaroo 袋鼠[,kæŋgə'ru:] sleep 睡觉[sli:p]

climb 往上爬[klaim]fight 打架[fait]swing 荡;荡秋千[swiŋ]

drink water 喝水[driŋk] ['wɔ:tə] take pictures 照相[teik] ['piktʃəz]

watch insects 观察昆虫[wɔtʃ] ['insekt] pick up leaves 采摘树叶[pik] [ʌp] [li:vz]

do an experiment [du:] [æn] [iks'perimənt] 做实验 catch butterfly 捉蝴蝶[kætʃ] ['bʌtəflai]

honey蜂蜜['hʌni]count insects 数昆虫[kaʊnt] ['insekt]collect leaves 收集树叶[kə'lekt]

write a report写报告[rait][ri'pɔ:t] play chess下棋[plei][tʃes]have a picnic举行野餐['piknik]


traffic 交通['træfik] traffic light 交通灯[lait] traffic rule交通规则ru:l]

stop 停,停车站[stɔp] wait 等待[weit] get to 到达[get] [tu]

library 图书馆['laibrəri]post office 邮局[pəʊst] ['ɔfis]hospital 医院['hɔspitl]

cinema电影院['sinimə]bookstore 书店['bukstɔ:]where 在哪里,到哪里[(h)wєə]

please 请[pli:z]next to 与……相邻[nekst] turn 转弯tə:n]

right 右边[rait]left 左边[left]straight 成直线地[streit]

then 然后[ðen]next week 下周[wi:k]this morning 今天上午[ðis] ['mɔ:niŋ]

this afternoon 今天下午[ðis] ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n]this evening今天晚上[ðis] ['i:vniŋ]

comic book 漫画书['kɔmik] [buk] comic连环图画,喜剧的['kɔmik]

post card 明信片[pəʊst] [kɑ:d]hobby 爱好['hɔbi]

ride a bike→riding a bike 骑自行车[raid]dive→diving 跳水[daiv]

play the violin→playing the violin 拉小提琴['pleiiŋ] [,vaiə'lin] go→goes 去[gəʊz]

make kites→making kites 制作风筝[meik] [kait] live→lives 居住[liv ] [laivz]

teach→teaches 教[ti:tʃ]collect stamps→collecting stamps 集邮[kə'lekt] [stæmps]

watch→watches看[wɔtʃ]read→reads 读,看[rid]doesn’t=does not [dʌz ]

singer 歌唱家,歌手['sindʒə]writer 作家['raitə]actor 男演员['æktə]

actress女演员['æktris]artist 画家['ɑ:tist]TV reporter 电视台记者[ri'pɔ:tə]

engineer工程师[,endʒi'niə]accountant会计[ə'kauntənt] policeman 男警察[pə'li:smən]

salesperson销售员['seilz,pə:sən] cleaner清洁工['kli:nə] work 工作[wə:k]

cloud 云[klaud]sun 太阳[sʌn] stream 河,溪[stri:m]come from 来自kʌm] [frɔm ]

seed 种子[si:d]soil 土壤[sɔil]sprout 苗,芽[spraut]plant 植物,种植[plɑ:nt]

should 应该[ʃud ]then 然后[ðen]


tall → taller更高的[tɔ:l] short → shorter 更矮的[ʃɔ:t] strong → stronger 更强壮的[strɔŋ]

old → older 年龄更大的[əuld] young → younger 更年轻的[jʌŋ] big → bigger 更大的[big]

heavy → heavier 更重的['hi:vi] long → longer 更长的[lɔŋ] thin → thinner 更瘦的[θin]

small → smaller 体型更小的[smɔ:l] have a fever 发烧[hæv] ['fi:və]

have a sore throat 喉咙疼[ sɔ, sɔə] [θrəut] have a cold 感冒[kəuld

have a toothache 牙疼['tu:θeik]have a headache头疼['hedeik]

matter 事情,麻烦'mætə]sore 疼的[ sɔ ]hurt 疼痛[hə:t]

tired 疲劳的,累的['taiəd]excited 兴奋的[ik'saitid] angry 生气的['æŋgri]

happy 高兴的['hæpi]bored 无聊的,烦人的[bɔ:d] sad 忧伤的,悲伤的[sæd]

watch → watched 看[wɔtʃwash → washed 洗[wɔʃt]clean → cleaned 打扫[kli:n]

play → played 玩[plei]visit → visited 看望['vizit]do → did last weekend 上一个周末go → went 去[gəu] [went] go to a park → went to a park 去公园[pɑ:k]

go swimming→went swimmin去游泳['swimiŋ] go fishing → went fishing 去钓鱼['fiʃiŋ]

hiking徒步旅行['haikiŋ] go hiking → went hiking 去郊游['haikiŋ]

learn Chinese → learned Chinese 学汉语[lə:n] ['tʃai'ni:z] ['lə:nid]

sing and dance → sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞[siŋ] ['dɑ:ns] sæŋ]

eat good food → ate good food 吃好吃的食物[i:t] [gʊd] [fu:d] [et]

take pictures → took pictures 照相[teik] [tuk]climb → climbed 爬klaim]

had buy presents → bought presents 买礼物[hæd] [bai] [pri'zent] [ bɔ:t]

row划,划船,责骂[rau] row a boat → rowed a boat 划船[rau] [bəut]

see elephant → saw elephant 看大象[si:] ['elifənt] [sɔ:]

ski滑雪,雪橇[ski go skiing → went skiing 去滑雪[ 'ski:iŋ] skate溜冰,滑冰[skeit, skit]

go ice-skating → went ice-skating 去滑冰[ais] how 怎么,如何[hau]

get → got 到达[get] [gɔt]last 上一个的,仅余的,留在最后的[lɑ:st]






case study个案研究;案例研究;

course of study学科;学习的进程;研究课程;

further study进一步研究;深造;继续教育,进修。

experimental study试验研究;实验性研究;

study hard努力学习。

Study: what do you like.

You study as well as he.

Who do you study with?

I had an opportunity to go to New York and study

He has had all-round success in his study this term.

There are fixed times for study and for work.

The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions.

Please take this study material with you to the workshop.


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