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1、gre词汇表:GRE | 每天5个GRE词汇

descendant英 [dɪˈsendənt] 美 [dɪˈsendənt] n. 后裔,子孙;(由过去类似物发展来的)派生物;(机器等)后继型产品 adj. 下降的;祖传的

考点1:n.后代: one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype

e.g. They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers他们是最早一批英格兰和苏格兰定居者的后裔。

: forbears袓先

dandy英 [ˈdændi] 美 [ˈdændi]n. 好打扮的男子;花花公子;华丽物品,极品;登革热 adj. 上等的,极好的;服装华丽的;与花花公子有关的

考点1:n.纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人: a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance

e.g. That was a dandy of a game 那是纨绔子弟的游戏。

: fop, gallant

考点2:adj.最佳最好的: of the very best kind

e.g. that's a dandy new racing bike 真是辆最好的比赛用自行车

: awesome, fabulous, superb, sensational, splendid, unsurpassed

: atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, wretched

haven英 [ˈheɪvn] 美 [ˈheɪvn]n. 保护区,避难所;港口 v. 为……提供避难所

考点1:n.安全的地方: a place of safety

e.g. a haven for artists艺术家们的圣地

: asylum, harbor, refuge, retreat, sanctuary

: unsafe place, dangerous place 不安全的地方

barricade英 [ˈbærɪkeɪd; ˌbærɪˈkeɪd] 美 [ˈbærɪkeɪd] n. 街垒;路障;争论之处 vt. 设路障;阻碍

考点1:n.障碍物: an obstruction or rampart thrown up across a way or passage

e.g. The police put up barricades to block off the parade route警察设立了路障来阻挡游行的队伍

: fence, hedge, wall, barrier, obstacle, blockade, obstruction

考点2:v.用障碍物阻止通过: to prevent access to by means of a barricade

e.g. 【例】streets have been barricaded by authorities 街道被当局封锁了

: bar, check, hinder, impede, obstruct, wall off

: permit 允许

screen英 [skriːn] 美 [skriːn] n. 屏,幕;屏风 vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽 vi. 拍电影

考点1:n.掩护物,屏障: something that shelters, protects, or hides

e.g. The target will be difficult to reach as it is behind a screen of anti-aircraft batteries.目标在防空炮火的掩护之下难以靠近。Please keep away from the screen door. 请不要倚靠屏蔽门。

: aegis, ammunition, armor, cover, guard, protection, safeguard, security, shield, wall, ward

考点2:vt.保护,使…免受攻击: to drive danger or attack away from

e.g. Gunships were called in to help screen the troops from further attacks. 武装直升机被呼口叫对步兵进行支援,使之免受进一步的攻击。

: defend, fence, fend, forfend, protect, secure

: assail, assault, attack 攻击

考点3:vt.掩护,遮蔽: to keep secret or shut off from view

e.g. Bushes screened the swimming pool from passersby on the street.灌瞿木丛将各游泳池和外面的行人隔绝


: belie, cloak, conceal, curtain, disguise, enshroud, mask, obscure, occult, shroud, veil

: disclose, expose, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask, unveil 揭露




英 [ɪnˈsɜːdʒənt] 美 [ɪnˈsɜːrdʒənt]

【考法1】n.叛乱分子: one who breaks with or opposes constituted authority or the established order

【例】Insurgents armed with assault rifles and grenades ambushed a US convoy, resulting in heavy casualties.持有突击步枪和手榴弹的叛乱分子偷袭了美军车队,造成重大伤亡

【近】rebel, anarchist, antagonist, malcontent, mutineer

【派】insurgency n. 叛舌



英 [ˈdelɪkəsi] 美 [ˈdelɪkəsi]

【考法1】n.(外貌、建筑、表演)精致: fineness of appearance, construction, or execution; elegance

【例】lace of great delicacy 精致的蕾丝

【近】dainty, delectable, kickshaw, tidbit

【反】crudity, husk, coarseness, roughness粗糙



英 [mɒsk] 美 [mɑːsk]

【考法1】n.清真寺: a building used for public worship by Muslim

【例】a deadly suicide attack at the mosque 在清真寺发生的致命自杀性袭击

【近】cathedral, chapel, church, temple



英 [ˈbəʊlstə(r)] 美 [ˈboʊlstər]

【考法1】n./v.支持: a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing

【例】pillows that bolster the building支撑房屋的柱子

【近】brace, buttress, bear, sustain, undergird, underpin, uphold, prop up

【考法2】v.鼓励,使有精力: to give a boost to

【例】n.ews that bolsters the morale of the troops 鼓舞军队士气的消息

【近】buoy, reinforce




英 [ɪnˈsepʃn] 美 [ɪnˈsepʃn]

【考法1】n.开端,开始: an act, process, or instance of beginning

【例】This seemed like a good program at its inception, but it isn't working out as planned. 一开始这像是个不错的项目,但是它没有按照我们的预期发展

【近】beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, genesis, kickoff, launch, nascence, onset, outset, start, threshold

【反】close, conclusion, end, termination,omega 结束,终止

【派】inceptive adj.开端的,初生的

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