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03-26 互联网 未知 投稿


作者:Ben Barrett




The Overwatch development team has been extremely open about what’s happening with the game going forward and what Overwatch updates will happen in the future. As a partner to keeping you updated on what's happening in the game right now, we’ve gathered everything Blizzard have said about what happens next.


While we’re at it, here’s all the info we have on new Overwatch heroes.


We’ve split this into sections based on rough estimates of when different features are planned for release. In cases where we don’t know, we’ve estimated based on perceived workload, but make it very clear that it is our estimation, not Blizzard’s. On that note, at least for the forseeable future, it looks like we can expect one major patch at the end of each month, though that varies depending on big factors like BlizzCon and holidays.


It’s worth noting that none of this is guaranteed. Game director Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch team have been more open than most development teams about what they’re working on, specifically under the caveat that plans do change, delays can happen, better ideas pop up, and life gets in the way. There are lots of things Blizzard would like to do here, particularly planned for further down the line - that doesn’t mean they’ll get around to it, or it will be in a predictable form when it launches. That said, since launch they've implemented many of the features they've promised.

需要值得注意的是,这一切都没有保证。游戏总监杰夫·卡普兰(Jeff Kaplan)和守望先锋的团队已经比其他大多数游戏开发团队对于他们正在从事的工作内容上更加开放,特别他们正处在计划改变,可能发生的延迟,更好的想法的涌现以及生活因素的种种情况之下。暴雪现在希望做很多更新改进,尤其是计划未来还没开始规划的事宜 - 这并不意味着他们会绕过它,或者它将在启动时以可预见的形式展现出来。也就是说,自推出以来,他们已经实现了许多他们所承诺的功能。

Overwatch - what's coming soon in 2017

守望先锋 - 2017年即将到来的更新

Two more Hanzo legendary skins



"A lot" of new content added to base loot boxes


Early 2018 will see the addition of "a lot" of new items to the non-event loot boxes you earn while playing most of the year. Kaplan promised this in a post in late 2017, and we saw some of them at BlizzCon.

在2018年初,玩家会发现在非节日补给箱(一年的大部分时间都是如此)中增加了"很多"新物品,玩家会在通过游玩游戏时获取这些物品。 Kaplan在2017年末在一个帖子中承诺了这一点,并且我们在BlizzCon上看到了其中的一些物品。[http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20759577193#post-5]

Competitive system improvements


In an update post slightly before BlizzCon 2017, Kaplan said that improving competitive mode is an important step for them.

在BlizzCon 2017之前的更新文章中,Kaplan表示改善竞技模式对他们来说是重要的一步。

More custom game options


With the introduction of the Overwatch server browser, people want more. Passwords are on the hope list, along with team switching. They don't want to, but Blizzard may need to turn off XP-gain in custom games. Kaplan also said he thought modular, changable ultimate abilities would be cool in the future. He also said they'd look into adding options to remove outlines and nameplates.


Subtitles for all voice lines


Thanks to Uprising, Blizzard now have the tech to do this, and it's something the team is "very passionate" about providing.


Play of the Game improvements


Kaplan specifically mentioned making Plays of the Game “more cinematic” in his interview with Eurogamer, and that he hoped they’d get to it during summer. Doing this should allow the system to become more robust as more things will look cool. With the introduction of Ana, this has become a very commonly requested feature due to her ultimate. Kaplan also spoke about this on the forums in September 2016.

卡普兰在接受Eurogamer采访时特意提到了使全场最佳“更加电影化”的内容,他希望夏天能够开发完毕。这样做需要让系统变得更强大,然后更多的东西看起来很酷。随着安娜的推出,因为她的终极功能(纳米激素),这已成为一个非常普遍的要求。 Kaplan在2016年9月,在论坛上也提到了这个问题。

Matchmaking improvements


In a massive post, Kaplan laid out the whole current matchmaking system, as well as saying they’re constantly improving it. This most likely won’t even be called out in notes every time it happens, just know that things are being tweaked to give better matches pretty much all the time. Season 3 of competitive play also refactored skill ratings once again. Scott Mercer also expanded massively on the problems in matchmaking and the solutions being looked at.

Handling leavers is also "high on the list" of things to improve according to Scott. Also of note is his large post about matchmaking and competitive play in general, in which he mentions several improvements already made to the system. Here's the latest, from April, explaining MMR streak changes. Kaplan also talked about Blizzard's thoughts on Smurfing (fine) and Boosting (bad).

In a similar theme, Kaplan said they'd like to make it so you could filter custom games by your SR range, meaning it would be actually useful for competitively minded practice.

在一个长贴里,卡普兰提出了现在整个的匹配系统,并且说他们在不断地改进它。这很可能甚至在每次改进时都不会被说明,只是知道他们一直在调整,为了获得更好的竞技体验。竞技的第三赛季也再次重构SR评分。斯科特·默瑟(Scott Mercer)也在匹配问题和解决方案方面进行了大规模的开发更新。



Social improvements


Similar to matchmaking, social improvements are being developed and implemented constantly, though normally will be called out in patch notes. This was covered in Kaplan’s big future post. Elsewhere he also talked about hiding the chat box and the possibility of having an appear offline option. He's also spoken about improving the reporting and banning system, as well as just removing poor sports from competitive play. Similarly, toxicity is going to be targeted severely.

More recently, Kaplan made a large post on the forums detailing the steps they plan to take to fight against toxicity. It's certainly the game's largest problem right now. Social news is also on the schedule for BlizzCon.



Punishment system improvements


In a post on the forums, community manager Lylirra laid out new, harsher punishments. She also explained that "additional improvements" were on the way including scaling competitive season bans, notification of punishments handed to players you reported and worse penalties for people who abuse the new reporting standards. Some of this was further detailed by Kaplan later on.


Gifting lootboxes


Kaplan said in his AMA that Blizzard were "working on it."

卡普兰在他的AMA(译者注:Ask me anything,即玩家问答活动,下文不再翻译)中表示,暴雪“正在努力”。

More bots


Always in the works but naturally low priority. AI Pharah is apparently very hard.

始终在开发,但自然这是低优先级。 法老之鹰的AI开发显然很困难。

Bug fixing, anti-hack and anti-cheat


Not a lot of info on these beyond that it’s happening, but again, they’re constant efforts. Naturally, Blizzard can't really go into detail on the specifics of anti-cheat measures. They did post in early February about ongoing action, however.


New heroes


Kaplan’s said that new heroes won’t be released in batches, but that several are “very far along” in the production process. For who is coming next check our dedicated new Overwatch heroes post. Old concepts are never dumpstered, according to Kaplan, so if you enjoy designs you've seen in concept art they might still make it. He also mentioned that constant hero releases are not required or something he thinks would be a good idea. The next hero "isn't as close as you think" either.


New maps


In April, Kaplan announced that six maps were in development, split evenly between QM/Comp maps and non-standard ones like the Antartica Arena. All of them are now out, but we'd still expect to get another one from BlizzCon. In future, they won't be available in competitive in the first week of being on live servers.


New cosmetics


So far we've received major event upgrade packs and the odd added cosmetic between them. Expect that to continue, but Kaplan also pointed out that each new hero was going to be developed over time, rather than always come with a full selection of what's been released before.


More animated shorts


Obviously, Blizzard want to make more of their incredibly successful animated shorts. Timing is more of the question. Mei got her moment at Gamescom, and we'd expect another at BlizzCon this year.


Longer-term Overwatch updates


Map Editor


There will, one day, probably, be an Overwatch map editor, but it's a long way off. The tools just aren't ready for public use yet, says Kaplan, along with loads of other issues.


Permanent access to No Limits, Deathmatch, and so on


Kaplan says they're working on some changes to get easier access to the more popular custom modes they've made - No Limits, Deathmatch and Total Mayhem - with matchmaking queues rather than just through custom games. In the short-medium term they'll be going through the arcade rotation.

卡普兰说,他们正在做一些改变,以便更容易地访问玩家制作完成的高人气的自定义模式 - 无限制比赛,死斗和大乱斗 - 通过匹配系统加入比赛而不是通过自定义游戏加入。在中短期内,他们将经历街机游戏的轮换制度。

Sound toggle hotkeys


Kaplan confirmed this feature but it was never implemented - whether they've forgotten or it was harder to implement than originally thought, we'll presumably find out eventually.

卡普兰证实了这个特征,但是从来没有实现过 - 不管他们是否忘记了,还是比原先想象的更难实现,我们最终都会发现的。

Genji and D.Va ult-block voice-lines


No ETA on it yet, but this was confirmed as happening, but requires more voice acting work (obviously).


Symmetra Shield Generator voice-lines


Also on the way are lines for reacting to and destroying shield generators placed by enemy Symmetras. It'll take a while, though, as all the voice actors need to come back into the office.


More competitive point rewards (or maybe not)


Specifically, Kaplan said they'd like to add more things to buy with competitive play points beyond the golden weapons. He also said they don't want to allow the buying of normal skins through competitive points, keeping that and the gold/loot box economy seperate. More recently he said again they want to add stuff, but are worried about over-rewarding. He also gave a timeframe of beyond Season 4. In his AMA, he mentioned again about over-rewarding competitive play and attracting players who don't want to be there. With much of the drama around season 5's poor experience, this may have been cancelled in favour of not rewarding players who don't want to be in competitive mode for playing it.


In-game tournament mode


Another on the long, long developer wishlist, but something you could expect in the far future.


Competitive 3v3 / 1v1

排位3v3 / 1v1

This is something both the community and Blizzard want to see implemented, but wasn't an immediate feature due to wanting to make sure the system worked first. It clearly did, and is quite popular, so we'll hopefully see it one day. Upcoming improvements to the mode were also confirmed in early 2017, and again in April with more custom game support. After the new 3v3 and 1v1 maps were added, Kaplan said they were still looking at turning it into a competitive mode but it required more testing. In late 2017 he mentioned they still thought it was a "really cool idea."

这是社区和暴雪都希望实现的东西,但不是一个马上会加入的功能,因为要确保这个系统能正常工作。这显然是很受欢迎的一个模式,所以我们希望有一天能够看到它。即将到来的改进模式也在2017年初得到确认,并在4月份再次得到更多的自定义游戏支持。在添加新的3v3和1v1地图之后,Kaplan表示他们仍在考虑把它变成一个竞技模式,但是它需要更多的测试。 2017年年底,他提到他们仍然认为这是一个“非常酷的主意”。

Replay system


Kaplan said on the forums that this is a lower priority than highlights improvements, and is therefore “not on the immediate horizon” but they do have a system working internally. He later pointed out that the same team is working on high-bandwidth servers, which has taken priority as it actually improves the level of play in-game. Replays still weren't on the horizon at the end of 2016 and again in March 2017.


Spectator/Broadcast system


Kaplan has said that despite improvements already made, more could be done with the spectator UI. No immediate timeframe on that, though Kaplan did post again saying that they want to make it possible to spectate friends' competitive games.

It's getting "significant efforts" at the moment, likely meaning it will be in a PTR patch soon - perhaps for BlizzCon.



Spectator mini-map


As part of this, Kaplan said that a mini-map would eventually be in place for spectators to more easily understand how a game was developing, but specifically said they wouldn't be adding one for normal in-game situations. This was reiterated more recently.


Permanent progression in PTR


As part of an effort to get more players testing on PTR, Blizzard and the community both want a system whereby progression and loot boxes could be moved to the main client after being earned on PTR. Blizzard are finding that coming up with a solution is quite difficult but continue to work on it. Kaplan even responded to people saying they need to hire more people.

More recently, Kaplan said this was still being worked on, but it's one of the "significant development tasks that would directly take away from development time on the core game." Similar is true of having live and PTR accounts more closely mirror each other. Putting PTR on the arcade simply doesn't work.



Mercy and Lucio in 1v1, more 1v1 modes


There's a "long term plan" to get these guys into 1v1 games without it being horrible. This was reconfirmed more recently. There's also a plan for more 1v1 modes in the works.




Kaplan said they would "look into" adding a pause mechanic, specifically for esports-tier games in case of problems. This is one of several improvements they want to make over time.


More highlight intros like Sombra's Hacking


For the unfamiliar, this is a highlight intro that interrupts other highlight intros to show your own, because Sombra is cool as heck. It's "definitely possible sometime in the future" but quite complex.


Progression system improvements


Specifically described as “more long term” in, again, Kaplan’s big future post, further improvements to progression and cosmetics are planned. This includes the possibility of a random pose/highlight intro function. Here’s Kaplan also saying they’d like a random cosmetic option.


Cosmetic selection in-game


Kaplan has posted that Blizzard want it to be possible to change skins in the game-beginning phase, but not at will while mid-match.


Character backstories in-game


Lead story-man Michael Chu has said that Blizzard would like to make backstories and biographies, as well as other lore-entries, readable in-game. It's probably not the highest priority, and would require some new UI elements, hence its position in this section. Chu confirmed in mid-March it was still under development, and small versions were added in patch 1.10. Chu mentioned this was still upcoming in his AMA.

背景主管Michael Chu曾经说过,暴雪希望能够在游戏中制作可阅读的背景和传记,以及其他的传说。这可能不是最高优先级,并且需要一些新的UI元素,因此这一条在本文中的位置在这里。Chu在3月中旬确认了它仍在开发之中,并且补丁1.10中增加了小版本。Chu在他的AMA中提到这些还在开发过程中。

Hero language options


This one is likely a long way off, but David Clyde, a programmer, confirmed on the forums that Blizzard would like to do XCOM 2-style nationality-based language select for hero voice lines, for an extra touch of realism. It isn't supported by the code currently, but he wants to "make it work in the future."

这可能还有很长的一段路要走,但程序员David Clyde在论坛上证实,暴雪希望完成XCOM 2-型的基于国籍的英雄语音选择的语言选项,以增加现实感。它目前还没有写出代码来,但是他希望“能够在未来的工作中”把它完成。

Three-round burst gun


Kaplan said that he'd love to put a burst-fire gun in the game at some stage, similar to the M16 from Modern Warfare 2.


Gun game mode


Kaplan said they're big fans of this sort of mode at Blizzard, and would love to try it. As you can imagine, in a game where nobody is ever supposed to change gun, it would require quite some engineering to get right.


GDC talk about server tech


Something of a throwaway line from Bill Warneck, but chances are it will happen eventually - he wants to talk about Blizzard's run time configuration tech "at GDC or something similar in the future."

比尔·瓦尔内克(Bill Warneck)提供了一些不必要的线索,但最终还是有可能发生的 - 他想在“游戏开发者大会”或者将来的类似场合谈论暴雪的运行时配置技术。

Forum improvements


Kaplan mentioned on the forums that the team isn't a big fan of the way the forums work currently, especially the way voting is presented and the ability to 'bump' your own thread. Obviously, when this gets fixed is more down to the Blizzard webteam than the Overwatch developers.

In January, he mentioned the changes were still "months away." Same again in February. Again in October 2017, but he did talk about the possibility of splitting blue posts so that forum mods and developers were more clearly idenitified.


1月份,他提到这些变化还有“数月之遥”。二月份也一样。 2017年10月,他又一次谈论了区分蓝帖的可能性,这样论坛的管理员和开发人员就区分得更清楚了。

Competitive queue confirmation


While not definitely on the way, Kaplan posted in a thread about this in January, noting a couple of possible solutions.


Clan/Guild system


This is probably a long, long way out but Kaplan's enthusiasm likely means it could happen one day.


Mystery hero fixes


There's some "clean up" coming to this custom game mode at some point and Blizzard are thinking about changing the way ultimate charge operates within it. Kaplan expanded on this idea a couple of months later. Some changes are now live.


Colour Blind improvements


Kaplan's AMA revealed they want to do more with colour blind options, but that it's difficult to prioritise.


Stats transperancy


While full transperancy is unlikely according to Kaplan's AMA, they're looking for ways to improve their internal tracking so some things could be made public. This was mentioned again in August 2017.


Console ping


Bill Warnecke, lead software engineer on Overwatch, posted in response to a thread on Reddit that this seemed doable, and would hopefully be in a future patch.

Overwatch的首席软件工程师Bill Warnecke在回应Reddit上的一个帖子时表示,这似乎是可行的,并希望能在未来的补丁上实装。

Unified Console/PC accounts

统一主机/ PC帐户

Kaplan says they're constantly trying to work this one out, but technical problems (plus Microsoft and Sony not wanting to play ball) are an issue.


Features not coming to Overwatch


This section is for things that the team have explicitly said they don’t want to do, can’t do or isn’t worth the time investment.


Surrender option


Some players have been asking for a surrender option so losing teams can throw in the towel if they wish. However, game director Jeff Kaplan says this isn't likely to happen. "We do not currently agree that the game needs a surrender option, especially with our quick match lengths," he said.

一些玩家一直在要求增加投降选项,所以逆风队伍可以掀桌子不玩。不过,游戏总监Jeff Kaplan说这不太可能发生。他说:“我们目前不同意游戏需要投降的选择,尤其是在我们的快速比赛中。"

Daily quests


For either currency or loot boxes, Kaplan says the team “aren’t super keen” on doing these, at least as far as they’re implemented in Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone. They don’t want players creating poor team comps because they want to finish, for example, their offensive class daily when their team desperately needs a tank or support.


Fall damage


They tried this and it didn’t work across the board, then felt weird on specific characters.


Increased FOV or 'proper' 21:9 support


Kaplan made it clear in this post that they'll never increase the FOV above 103, even for resolution reasons. This makes proper 21:9 support impossible.


Multi-hero in competitive


Kaplan confirmed that the one-hero limit would remain in competitive, as feedback and results had been good.


Deathmatch mode in regular games


In response to a question about the addition of a kills-based mode, Kaplan confirmed that it's not something they want to put in the game as part of regular play. They could see it as a Brawl or other side-event, however.


Scoreboard icons reflect skin use


This isn't being implemented to make sure the scoreboard is quick and easy to read as far as members of each team are concerned.


Retiring heroes


After some confusion on the topic, Kaplan made it clear that they are "not even remotely thinking about retiring heroes right now or anytime in the foreseeable future."


Vertical Tracer blink


Kaplan said they experimented with this but it created imbalance and totally changed how Tracer played.


Leaver compensation


A forum user brought up the idea of increased health, altered spawn times, or ult charge changes for teams that have had leavers in competitive play. Kaplan said they'd thought about it, but didn't want to change core gameplay values, and also pointed out problems with catch-up mechanics in general.


Death medal


Kaplan revealed Overwatch used to have a fewest deaths medal but it created some toxic gameplay patterns to try to get golds - like not leaving the spawn room.


Emote invulnerability and cancelling


Both of these have implications for using emotes during combat, as explained by Kaplan on the forums.


Arcade rewards based on games played rather than won


Kaplan said this would create deviant behaviours.


Buffing Sombra's EMP / Hack

加强黑影的EMP /入侵技能

Geoff Goodman wrote a fairly long post in the forums about how buffing Sombra's Hack or EMP likely wouldn't be happening, as it's already such a strong part of her kit.

杰夫·古德曼(Geoff Goodman)在论坛上写了一篇相当长的文章,讲述为何不会加强加强黑影的EMP /入侵技能,因为它已经是黑影技能组中非常强大的一部分了。

Bloom reduction


In his Reddit AMA, Kaplan said that a bloom reduction graphical setting was unlikely as it is a part of the artstyle.

Kaplan在他的Reddit AMA中表示,由于它是艺术风格的一部分,所以不大可能降低图形设置。

Console split-screen


Bill Warnecke explained how difficult this was to get working while maintaining quality of graphics and gameplay.

Bill Warnecke解释说,在保持图形和游戏质量的同时分屏,这是一个非常困难的工作。

Console PTR


Warnecke also commented on this being very difficult to achieve in a reasonable time frame due to the controls in place on the Xbox One and PS4 ecosystem.

Warnecke也评论说,由于Xbox One和PS4生态系统的控制措施,这在合理的时间内很难实现。

Player avoidance


The ability to block players and make it so you didn't have to play with them again was originally in the game. However, it ended up only harming the people that used it, as explained by Bill Warnecke.

屏蔽玩家的功能,让你不必再与他们玩,原本在游戏中是存在的。然而,正如Bill Warnecke所解释的那样,结果只是损害了使用它的人。

Quick play / Competitive map blacklisting


Kaplan explained that the custom games feature fulfills this function.


Widowmaker Noir skin for all


Kaplan said there were "no plans" to bring Widowmaker's pre-order exclusive skin out separately.


Lowering Legendary drop rates


They've never done it before and it seems odd they'd start now. Kaplan also confirmed here that legendaries are more common during events. This post also explains how the drop system operates during events, explaining that two drop tables are used meaning you essentially receive extra legendaries.

他们从来没有这么做过,而如果现在做的话看起来就会显得很诡异奇怪。卡普兰在这里也证实,在未来活动中橙皮会更普遍。 这篇文章还解释了掉落系统如何工作,解释了他们使用两个掉落表,这意味着你基本上可以获得更多的橙皮。

Linux version


This "isn't on [the] road map right now" at the end of 2017, according to Bill Warnecke, lead software engineer.

首席软件工程师比尔·瓦内克(Bill Warnecke)表示,到2017年底,这个“目前还不在规划上”。


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