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03-05 互联网 未知 投稿






1. We saw a ___ of light.我们看到一道闪光。

2. Everything looked grey in the ___ light of the oil lamp.在昏暗的油灯下,所有的东西看上去都是灰蒙蒙的。

3. I read ___ the light of the fire.我借着火光读书。

4. The man moved forward ___ the light.那人向前走到光亮的地方。

5. The colors look different ___ different lights.这些颜色在不同光线下看上去不同。

6. ___ of us we could see the lights of the city.前方,我们能看到城市的灯光。

7. We’re having a ___ of wall lights and ceiling lights in different parts of the house.我们在房子的不同地方安装了壁灯和顶灯。

8. I ___ on the light in the bedroom.我打开卧室的灯。

9. Don’t forget to switch the lights ___ when you go out.出去时别忘了关灯。

10. Can you turn the light ___ downstairs?你把楼下的灯关了好吗?

11. The lights in the office were still ___.办公室里依然亮着灯。

12. The street lights were just beginning to ___ on.街道两旁华灯初上。

13. He ___ a light on in the kitchen.他让厨房里的一盏灯亮着。

14. Make sure all the lights are ___ when you leave.你走的时候一定要把所有的灯都关了。

15. Suddenly all the lights in the house went ___.忽然屋里所有的灯都熄灭了。

16. Can you turn the light ___ a bit?你把灯调暗一点好吗?

17. ___ a light over here, will you?你把灯往这边照,好吗?

18. We waited for the lights to ___.我们等着红绿灯转换。

19. Eventually the lights ___ green.绿灯终于亮了。

20. The driver had failed to stop ___ a red light.红灯亮时司机没有把车停下。

21. He was ___ by the lights of oncoming traffic.他被迎面车辆的灯光照得睁不开眼前。

22. You’ve left your lights ___.你的车灯一直亮着。

23. We set ___ at first light the next day.第二天天刚亮我们就出发了。

24. Could you move to the left a little – you’re standing ___ my light.你能往左边移一移吗?- 你挡住了我的光线。

25. Have you got a ___, please?请问你有火吗?

26. There was a ___ light in his eyes.他目露凶光。

27. The candle fell over and ___ light to the barn.蜡烛倒了,引燃了谷仓。

28. This evidence did not come to ___ until after the trial.庭审结束以后这个证据才被披露出来。

29. The mistake was only ___ to light some years later.这个错误数年之后才浮现出来。

30. Melanie was able to ___ some light on the situation.梅拉妮能对情况作进一步解释。


31. These discoveries may ___ new light on the origins of the universe.这些发现也许可以让人们更进一步了解宇宙的起源。

32. In light of this tragic event, we have ___ the 4th of July celebration.因为这场悲剧, 我们取消了7月4日的庆祝活动。

33. I suddenly ___ my father in a new light.我突然对父亲有了新的了解。

34. This incident will ___ the company in a very bad light.这件事使公司形象大为折损。

35. At last doctors have seen the ___!医生们终于明白过来了。

36. Some of these documents will probably never ___ the light of day.有些文件中有一部分也许永远也不会公开。

37. It’s been a hard few months, but we’re finally beginning to see the light at the end of the ___.这几个月很艰难,但是我们终于见到曙光了。

38. I went straight to bed and went out like a ___.我直接上了床,倒头就睡着了。

39. She’s one of the ___ lights of the local dramatic society.她是当地戏剧协会的权威人士。

40. Her son was the ___ of her life.儿子是她的心肝宝贝。

41. The light was so ___ he had to shut his eyes.光线太强了,他不由得闭上了眼睛。

42. The white buildings reflected a ___ light.白色建筑反射出刺眼的光线 。

43. Gradually her eyes became ___ to the dim light.渐渐地,她的眼睛适应了昏暗的光线。

44. Stand over here where the light is ___.站到这里来,这里光线好。

45. The light was too ___ for me to read.光线太差了,我没法阅读。

46. The light from the streetlamp ___ through the curtains.路灯的光透过窗帘照进来。

47. The only light ___ from the fire.唯一的光线来自火焰。

48. Light ___ in through the window.光从窗户泻进来。

49. The light ___ on her book.光照在她的书上。

50. The bridge is ___ in the colorful lights of fireworks.大桥沐浴在五彩缤纷的烟花中。

51. There was a ___ of light from the doorway.门口有一道光。

52. A flash of light ___ his attention.一道闪光引起了他的注意。

53. You look nice ___ light colors.你穿浅色衣服很好看。

54. She had blue eyes and ___ brown hair.她有一双蓝眼睛和一头浅棕色的头发。

55. We’ll keep on ___ while it’s still light.我们会趁天亮继续寻找。

56. It was seven o’clock and just starting to ___ light.那是早上七点钟,天刚蒙蒙亮。

57. The kitchen was light and ___.厨房明亮宽敞。

58. The office was a big ___ room at the back of the house.办公室在房子后部,是一个明亮的大房间。

59. You can carry this bag – it’s fairly ___.你可以拿这个袋子 – 它很轻。

60. You should ___ light, comfortable shoes.你应该穿轻便舒适的鞋子。

61. The truck was quite ___ and easy to drive.这辆卡车很轻,容易驾驶。

62. She was as light as a ___ to carry.她抱起来轻得很。

63. Traffic is ___ before 8 a.m.早上八点钟以前交通流量小一些。

64. A light rain began to ___.开始下起了小雨。

65. She was wearing only light ___-up.她只化了个淡妆。


66. These people have suffered only light ___ to radiation.这些人只受到轻度辐射。

67. She took a light sweater in ___ the evening was cool.她带了一件薄毛衣,晚上感到凉时穿。

68. There was a light easterly ___.一阵东风轻轻吹来。

69. There was a light ___ at the door.有人轻轻敲门。

70. Her voice was light and ___.她的声音轻柔悦耳。

71. She gave him a light kiss on the ___.她轻轻吻了他的脸颊。

72. He felt a light tap ___ his shoulder.他感到有人在他肩上轻轻地拍了一下。

73. I found him some ___ work to do.我给他找了点轻松的工作干。

74. She only has a few light ___ around the house.她只做一点轻松的家务活。

75. The doctor has advised me to take ___ light exercise.医生建议我经常做一些轻松的运动。

76. We had a ___ white wine with the fish.我们喝了点低度白葡萄酒配鱼吃。

77. I ___ a light lunch in town.我在镇上简单地吃了顿午饭。

78. Beat the ___ of the cheese until it is light and fluffy.把奶酪混合物搅打到松软为止。

79. I ___ into a light sleep.我迷迷糊糊地睡得不沉。

80. She’s quite a ___ sleeper.她睡觉容易惊醒。

81. His speech gradually became lighter in ___.他说话的口气慢慢轻松起来。

82. It’s a really good book if you want a bit of light ___.如果你想来点轻松地阅读,这本书很合适。

83. I’m glad you’ve arrived – we could all do with a little light ___!我很高兴你到了 – 我们都需要略微放松放松呢!

84. She tried to ___ light of the situation, but I could tell that she was worried.她尽量装着一副轻松的样子,但是我看得出她对这局面很担心。

85. On a lighter note, the concert ___ over $300 for school funds.说点轻松的话题吧,这场音乐会为学校募集了三百多美元。

86. A freezer and microwave oven can make light ___ of cooking.冰箱和微波炉可以让烹饪变得更加便捷。

87. She’s very ___ and light on her feet.她行动敏捷,脚步轻快。

88. I set off for work with a light ___.我怀着轻松愉快的心情出发去上班了。

89. Carrots grow well in light ___.胡萝卜在松软的土壤里生长良好。

90. He stopped to ___ a cigarette.他停下来点了一支烟。

91. I lit the fire and ___ a drink.我生了火,倒了一杯酒。

92. I couldn’t ___ the candles to light.我点不着蜡烛。

93. The room was ___ by one large, central light.房间由中央的一盏大灯照明。

94. The porch is always ___ lit at night.夜里,门廊总是灯火通明。

95. The kitchen was warm and ___ lit.厨房里暖融融的,灯光明亮。

96. We had only a few ___ between us to light the way.我们大家只有几个手电筒照路。

97. His eyes lit on a ___ ring.他的视线落到一枚红宝石戒指上。

98. I thought I might have lit ___ an ancient manuscript.我想,我可能是发现了一份古代手稿。

99. The ___ lit up the sky.火光照亮了天空。

100. The ___ is lit up at night.夜里喷泉打上了灯光。

101. As the screen lit up, he typed in his ___.屏幕亮起,他键入密码。

102. His eyes lit up with ___.他笑得两眼发光。

103. Her face lit up with ___.她高兴得满面春风。

104. Suddenly a ___ lit up her face.她顿时喜笑颜开。

105. A mischievous ___ lit up her eyes.她的眼睛里流露出淘气的神情。

106. We should hire another secretary to ___ Barbara’s workload.我们应该再招聘一位秘书,减轻芭芭拉的工作量。

107. As the sky ___, we were able to see where we were.天色渐亮,我们能看清楚身处何地了。

108. Nora didn’t ___ to my attempts to lighten the conversation.我努力让谈话变得轻松一点,可诺拉却没有反应。

109. His ___ face would lighten when someone mentioned Nancy.一旦有人提到南希,他就满脸喜悦。

110. You need to lighten ___ a bit.你需要放松一点。

111. The sun and the wine had made him a little light-___.日晒加上喝了点酒使他有点头重脚轻。

112. I found her in a light-hearted ___.我发现她心情轻松愉快。

113. Better street ___ might help to reduce crime.改善街道照明或许有助于减少犯罪。

114. Fluorescent lighting is much cheaper to use than light ___.使用荧光灯照明比用普通灯泡便宜多了。

115. Divorce is not a matter you can afford to ___ lightly.离婚的事轻率不得。

116. He got ___ lightly because his father was a lawyer.他获得轻判,因为他父亲是一名律师。

117. ‘¬¬¬___ will be fine,’ he said lightly.“会没事的。”他轻松地说。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 flash 2 dim 3 by 4 into 5 in 6 Ahead 7 mixture 8 switched 9 off 10 out 11 on 12 come 13 left 14 off 15 out 16 down 17 Shine 18 change 19 turned 20 at 21 dazzled 22 on 23 out 24 in 25 light 26 murderous 27 set 28 light 29 brought 30 shed 31 throw 32 canceled 33 saw 34 put 35 light 36 see 37 tunnel 38 light 39 leading 40 light 41 bright 42 blinding 43 accustomed 44 good 45 poor 46 shone 47 came 48 streamed 49 fell 50 bathed 51 shaft 52 caught 53 in 54 light 55 looking 56 get 57 spacious 58 light 59 light 60 wear 61 light 62 feather 63 lighter 64 fall 65 make 66 exposure 67 case 68 breeze 69 tap 70 pleasant 71 cheek 72 on 73 light 74 duties 75 regular 76 light 77 had 78 mixture 79 felt 80 light 81 tone 82 reading 83 relief 84 make 85 raised 86 work 87 agile 88 heart 89 soil 90 light 91 poured 92 get 93 lit 94 well 95 brightly 96 torches 97 ruby 98 upon 99 flames 100 fountain 101 password 102 laughter 103 pleasure 104 smile 105 gleam 106 lighten 108 respond 109 whole 110 up 111 headed 112 mood 113 lightly 114 bulbs 115 take 116 off 117 Things

2、关灯用英语怎么说 关灯的英文怎么写

关灯用英语怎么说 关灯的英文怎么写

1、关灯的英语是turn off the light,读音:英[tɜːn ɒf ðə laɪt],美[tɜːrn ɔːf ðə laɪt]。 2、例句:He puts out his hand to turn off the light.他伸手去关灯。



关灯 [guān dēng]douse the glim在例句中比较网络释义 Lights再有便是夸奖宇宙关灯(Lights)日营谋,也是怱悠会员,扶助环保,关灯一小时(Hour),良多人都照做关灯一小时(Hour)了,可多彩(Colorful)却说(Said):在天下关灯(Light... turn off the lights put out light off短语智力关灯 Turn me off ; Eluminate不要关灯 Don't Turn off the Lights ; Dontturnoffthelight关灯游戏 WhitesOut ; Ebony Beauties Lights Out ; Lights off


关灯Turn off the lights造句:出门时请随手关灯。Turn the light off as you go out.; Please switch off the lights when you leave.他伸手去关灯。

He puts out his hand to turn off the light.他曾再三叮嘱我在离开时一定要先关灯。

He told me once again to be sure to put out the light before leaving.出门时随手儿关灯。Turn the light off as you go out.你忘了关灯了。You forgot to turn off the light.我记得我们出去之前已经关灯了。I remember turning the lights off before we went out.那我要回家了。

你走的时候别忘了关灯喔!Well, I'm going home. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave.www.zzlt.cn戴安娜:没关灯就走了?你知道他从不浪费一分钱的。DIANA: And left the lights on? You know he never wastes a penny.我跟你说了晚上10点之前别关灯的!I told you not to turn off the light before10pm!我记得我关灯了,当我离开房间的时候。


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