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03-05 互联网 未知 投稿




The Body Has Many Uses(身体的多种用途)


1. Get in Someone's Hair = bother someone

可以用 get in someone's hair来表达麻烦某人意思,就象钻到某人的头发里,让人厌烦一样。


A: Children! Would you please stop making so much noise! And for heaven's sake, pick up your clothes and toys! It's hard enough trying to keep this house clean without your throwing your things all over the place!

B: Clara, I know that the children get in your hair, but you should try not to let it upset you so much.

A: Listen, Jim. I can't help it. The children bother me and make me very angry when they're so noisy and messy.

2. Tongue-In-Cheek = not serious



A: Why were you teasing Sonia about her new hairdo? She really took offense at what you said.

B: I didn't mean to offend her. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark when I said that it was too elaborate for a girl of her young, tender age.

A: Well, she thought you were serious. She had no idea that you were just saying that as a joke.

B: I'm really sorry. I suppose I owe her an apology.

3. Pull Someone's Leg = fool someone



A: Hey, Al.I was invited to be a judge for the Miss America Beauty Pageant!

B: Oh, really? Come on, you're pulling my leg!

A: No, honestly. Do you really think that I'm trying to fool you with a ridiculous story?

B: Well, you've told me foolish stories before.

A: I can assure you that this one is for real.


4. Stick Out One's Neck = take a risk



A: How come they're asking me to act as their guide through the jungle?

B: Evidently they think you're the only one who can lead them to the lost temple.

A: That jungle has danger lurking around every corner. Why should I stick my neck out for them? They didn't pay me for my services.

B: They know that you would be taking a great risk and could possibly get hurt, but you're the only one with enough knowledge to take them to their destination. I'm sure you'll be amply rewarded.

5. Get Off Someone's Back = stop bothering someone



A: Hey, John. I'm bored. Come on, let's go out and do something.

B: Sorry, I'm right in the middle of studying for a physics exam. I won't be able to make it tonight.

A: You've been studying for a long time. Why don't you take a break? Come on! Let's go! Forget studying for a while!

B: Look! Get off my back!I can't go anywhere!

A: OK. I'll stop bothering you only if you promise to let me know the minute you're finished.









2、tender什么意思:tender是什么意思 tender的意思

tender是什么意思 tender的意思

1、tender的意思:adj.柔软的; 温柔的; 嫩的; 和善的; 亲切的; 慈爱的; 疼痛的; 一触即痛的; 易损坏的;n.投标; (蒸汽机车的)煤水车; (在大船和口岸之间载运人或货物的)供应船,补给船,交通船;v.投标; 提议; 提供; 提出; 2、tender的读音:英[ˈtendə(r)]美[ˈtendər] 3、[例句]All her tender limbs with terror shook.她柔软的四肢吓得打战。

Tender 是什么意思

tender有温柔的;投标;正式提出的意思。具体释义如下:tender  英 [ˈtendə(r)]   美 [ˈtɛndɚ]1、形容词 adj.温柔的;嫩的;纤弱的;疼痛的例:I love your tender kisses and charming smiles.我爱上你那温柔的吻和迷人的微笑。

2、名词 n.投标;(正式)提出;供应船,联络船;照看者例:Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work建筑商们将会收到说明书,并被邀请参与该项目投标。

3、动词 vt. 正式提出;使变脆弱;<古>温柔地对待例:She loves her children very much and is always loving and tender to them.她热爱她的子女并且总是慈祥和温柔地对待他们。扩展资料:相关短语1、 tender (for sth) 关于……的投标例:Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。


tender的中文意思是:adj.和善的、温柔的、亲切的、慈爱的、嫩的、软的、疼痛的、一触即痛的n.投标;(蒸汽机车的)煤水车;(在大船和口岸之间载运人或货物的)供应船,补给船,交通船v.投标;提议;提供;提出。tender 读法 英 [ˈtendə(r)]   美 [ˈtendər]  。

单词变形:1、副词: tenderly2、比较级: tenderer3、最高级: tenderest4、名词: tenderness例句:I love your tender kisses and charming smiles.我爱上你那温柔的吻和诱人的浅笑。

扩展资料:一、近义词1、gentle读音:英 ['dʒentl] 美 ['dʒentl] adj. 温和的;轻柔的;温顺的;文雅的;出身名门的We've never met such gentle people.我们从来没有遇到这样温和的人。二、相关短语1、 tender (for sth) 关于……的投标例:Local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.当地的公司被邀请投标承包建筑工程。2、  tender sth (to sb)提议;提供;提出给某事(某人)例:He has tendered his resignation to the Prime Minister.他已向首相递交辞呈。


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